作者:Silverio Gonzalez 譯者:駱鴻銘
我們都希望基督信仰是很實用的,能和我們每天的生活息息相關。這是個很好的願望,我們的信仰理當塑造我們的生活方式。這裏,我想說明的是,身為基督徒,我們所能作的最實際的事情是非常平凡的,卻是經常被人忽略的,而且有時候就是因為太明顯,以至於我們會忽略它們。以下是身為基督徒每個禮拜應當作的八件很實際的事:We want
Christianity to be practical and relevant to everyday life. This is a good
desire. Our faith should shape the way we live. Here, I hope to show that the
most practical things we can do as Christians are very ordinary, often
neglected, and sometimes so obvious that we forget them. Here are eight
practical things to do as a Christian every week:
1. 進一步默想主日的講章
Further Meditation on the Sunday Sermon
Sunday, our pastor speaks to us about Jesus’ cross and glory, life and death,
our sin and salvation, faith and love, hope and assurance, grace and peace,
mercy and wrath, and obedience and suffering. We hear that God has justified us
by faith in Jesus Christ. It is easy to forget these words of life. Monday
begins, and we can start to act as if what we heard on Sunday is no longer
true. Further meditation on the Sunday sermon helps to ground our identity and
actions in the whole story of God’s salvation—from the beginning of the week to
the very end.
2. 每天禱告
Daily Prayer
prayer is communion with God and his church by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Through prayer, we ask for our ordinary needs and also participate in the life
Jesus gives to us.
3. 每日讀經
Daily Bible Reading
Bible reading keeps us grounded in the story of God’s salvation being worked
out in history. Daily Bible reading reinforces what we hear on Sunday and makes
us eager to learn more.
4. 家庭靈修,並教導孩童
Family Devotion and Teaching Your Children
faith is worth sharing, especially with the people that God has entrusted to
our care. Teaching our children is a way to carry our Christianity into our
homes, making it an everyday part of life.
5. 款待教會的朋友與鄰居
Showing Hospitality to Members of Your Church and Your Neighbors
Christ has given us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace,
and kindness, among other things (Gal. 5:22). Through the Spirit, we have the
opportunity to share God’s love with others through giving our time, offering
our food, and using our words.
6. 記念聖徒的需要
Remembering the Needs of the Saints
In a
sin-shattered world, real needs are everywhere. As we are able, God desires us
to aid others—especially Christians. We can spend time with the elderly and
sick in our congregations, give money to those who experience economic hardship
and pray for the needs of every member. The church’s deacons are another good
resource to consult in order to become more aware of the particular needs in
your own church.
7. 讓你的社區知道你是個慷慨的人
Showing Generosity in Your Community
are many good ways to spend your time doing good in your community. As
Christians, we show mercy and generosity in our community to demonstrate God’s
love in tangible ways. Mercy and generosity go together with sharing the faith.
8. 忠心地工作,歸榮耀給神
Working Faithfully to God’s Glory
has made us for good works. This includes our daily tasks, no matter how
insignificant they seem. These good works could be your day job, grocery
shopping for your family, changing dirty diapers, or washing the dishes. Done
in faith, these ordinary activities present opportunities for doing good works
unto God’s glory. Many of us have jobs and families, all of which demand much
of our time. That is okay. We need to be honest with our bodily limitations.
Consider your ordinary work as much a part of the Christian life as anything
else people call holy.