「心靈貧乏的人有福了,因為天國是他們的。」(太五 3新譯本)
Blessed are sthe poor
in spirit, for utheirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Mat 5:3 ESV)
對比「有福 Blessed」在研讀版聖經中的解釋:
Matt. 5:3–12 The
Beatitudes all begin with “Blessed are …” They are called “beatitudes” from
Latin beatus, “blessed, happy” (but see note on v. 3). These short statements
summarize the essence of the Sermon on the Mount.
Matt. 5:3 Blessed.
More than a temporary or circumstantial feeling of happiness, this is a state
of well-being in relationship to God that belongs to those who respond to
Jesus’ ministry. The poor in spirit are those who recognize they are in need of
God’s help. theirs is the kingdom of heaven. It belongs to those who confess
their spiritual bankruptcy. On a contrast with the first seven beatitudes, see
note on 23:13–36.
3. 《Reformation
Study Bible》(ESV)
5:3 Blessed This means
more than the emotional state represented by the word "happy". It
includes spiritual well-being, having the approval of God, and thus a destiny
of delight in communion with the Creator(Ps.1). P.1678
4. 《The MacArthur
Bible Commentary 》P.1129
5:3 Blessed. Blessing
literally means "happy, fortunate,blissful." Here it speaks of more
than a surface emotion. Jesus describes
the divinely-bestowed well-being that belongs only to the faithful. The
Beatitudes demonstrate that the way to heavenly blessedness is opposite the
worldly path people normally follow to find happiness. The worldly idea is that
happiness is found in riches, merriment, abundance, leisure, and such things. The
real truth is the very opposite. In the Beatitudes, Jesus describes the
character of true faith.
5. NIV Zondervan Study
6. 另參:
《馬太福音註釋》Matthew-Expositor's Bible Commentar
卡森(Don Carson)著/周兪雲翔譯,美國麥種傳道會
八福在英文叫做beatitudes(拉丁文beatus, 「有福的」),或macarisms(來自希臘文mkarios,「有福的」)。P. 273
五3. 在新約聖經中,「有福的」與「福分」的背後有兩個字和它們的同源字。第3至11節所用的字是makarious, 在《七十士譯本》中通常用來翻譯ašrê,這個希伯來詞語幾乎總是用作感嘆詞:「喔,......的福〔複數〕啊!」Makarios 通常描寫那格外蒙神恩待的人,所以從某個角度來說就是「快樂的」;但這個詞也可以用在神身上(提前一11,六15,「可稱頌的」)。另一個詞是eulogētos, 在《七十士譯本》中主要是翻譯希伯來文b'rākâ,在舊約聖經與新約聖經中的用法主要是與神有關(如:可十四61;路一68;羅一25;林後一3)。Eulogētos不曾出現在馬太福音中,但其同源動詞出現5次(太十四19,二十一9,二十三39,二十五34,二十六26),其中一次用於人(二十五34),而不是用於神或基督。所以,試圖以makarios
意指「快樂的」,並以eulogētos為「有福的」之意的做法是徒然無益的。雖然兩個字都出現多次,也都可以用在神或人身上。我們很難不下結論說,兩者的共同因素是贊同:人「稱頌」神,贊同並贊美祂;神「賜福」人,滿有恩慈而紆尊降貴地贊同他。用在人身上時,舊約聖經的用詞肯定是同義詞。P. 275
至於快樂的(《今日英文版》),在現代用法中已經被貶低了,與八福無關。這個希臘文「描寫一種狀態,不是用它來形象人的內在感覺,而是在別人判斷中從一種理想觀點看來的有福狀態」。在馬太福音的末世論脊景中,「有福的」只能是指末世的福分;每一個特殊的福分都以每一福的第二個句子來具體說明。P. 276
7. 《Jewish New
Testament Commentary》P.23, by David H.Stern
How blessed. Greek
makarios corresponds to Hebrew asher and means "blessed,"
"happy," and "fortunate" all at once, so that no one
English word is adequate. For a Hebrew example, compare Psalm144:15:"how
blessed/happy/fortunate the people whose God is Adonai!" Verse3-12 are
known as the Beatitudes because the word "beatus" was used in the
best-known Latin version, Jerome's "Vulgate"(c.410C.E.), to translate
"makarios." For more on the Beatitudes, see Appendix,p.930.