作者:R.C. Sproul
我作神學生時,經常會邀請教會裏的人舉手,表明有多少人讀完了整本聖經。很少超過百分之五十說他們讀完了。我問到,「有多少人讀完了創世記?」幾乎每個人都舉了手。然後我問到,「如果你讀完了出埃及記,請繼續舉著手。」只有幾隻手放下了。「利未記呢?」這時開始很多手很快地放下了。到了民數記,情況就更糟了。At seminars, I often ask for a show of hands indicating how many people have read the entire Bible. Rarely do even 50 percent of the people answer “yes.” I ask, “How many of you have read the book of Genesis?” Almost everyone raises his hand. Then I say, “Keep your hand up if you’ve also read Exodus.” Only a few hands are lowered. “Leviticus?” That’s when hands start dropping quickly. With Numbers it’s even worse.
為什麼那麼多基督徒對讀完整本聖經感到困難?Why do many Christians struggle to read the entire Bible?
讀創世記就好像是在讀一本小說。它幾乎都是歷史敘事和人物傳記。它述說了一些重要人物生平中的重要事件,例如挪亞、亞伯拉罕、雅各、約瑟。出埃及記相當扣人心弦,因為它講述了以色列在埃及地為奴那富含意義的故事,以及她如何在摩西的帶領下獲得釋放。摩西與法老王之間的比賽是很令人興奮的。但是當我們到達利未記,所有的事情都開始走樣。那些禮儀、獻祭、潔淨儀式很難讀懂,因為它們對我們今天來說是完全陌生的。我們缺少一張地圖,幫助我們走過聖經中這些困難的部分。Reading Genesis is almost like reading a novel. It is mostly narrative history and biography. It tells of important events in the lives of important people such as Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph. Exodus is likewise gripping, as it tells the poignant story of Israel’s enslavement in Egypt and of its liberation under the leadership of Moses. The contest with Pharaoh is exciting. But when we get to Leviticus, everything changes. It’s difficult reading about the ceremonies, the sacrifices, and the cleansing rituals because they are foreign to us today. We lack a road map to help us through these difficult portions of the Bible.
從聖經的概覽起步Begin with an overview of the Bible
以下是我的建議:從聖經的概覽開始。先了解基本架構。如果可能,報名參加一個會給你這種概覽的聖經課程(例如:Ligonier Connect)。我們也製作了一個叫《從塵灰到榮耀》(Dust to Glory)的錄影帶系列。這個系列會介紹聖經從創世記到啟示錄的基本結構。不會講很多細節,不過會涵蓋救贖歷史的主要關鍵點。除了這個系列外,我也和Robert Wolgemuth合作,製作了What’s in the Bible? 這本書。本書的目的是要幫助那些對聖經缺乏基本了解的人。1977年我曾經出版過一本叫《認識聖經》(Knowing Scripture)的書,這是為幫助那些想掌握詮釋聖經的基本規則的人而寫的。我誠懇地認為這本書是我所能提供給人研讀聖經最重要的幫助,因為它提供了聖經詮釋最基本、最基礎的原則,幫助人避免一些會導致曲解聖經教導的錯誤。Here’s my recommendation: begin with an overview of the Bible. Get the basic framework first. If possible, enroll in a Ligonier Connect course online that will give you such an overview. We have also produced an audio and video series titled Dust to Glory. It gives the basic structure of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It does not go into details, but it covers the high points of redemptive history. In addition to this series, I collaborated with Robert Wolgemuth to produce What’s in the Bible? The goal of this book is to help the person who has never had a simple introduction to the Bible. In 1977, I published a book titled Knowing Scripture, which is designed to help people master the basic rules of biblical interpretation. I frankly think this book is one of the most important helps that I’ve ever been able to provide for people in studying the Bible, because it provides basic, foundational principles of biblical interpretation to keep people from falling into errors that would lead to distortions of the teaching of Scripture.
一旦你明白了聖經的基本架構,你就受到了更好的裝備,可以閱讀聖經。以下是一個模式,我推薦給那些從來沒有讀過聖經的人:Once you understand the basic framework, you are much better equipped to read the Bible. Here is a pattern I recommend for people who have never read the Bible.
舊約概覽:The Old Testament overview:
創世記(創世的歷史,墮落,上帝與族長們立的約)Genesis (the history of Creation, the fall, and God’s covenantal dealings with the patriarchs)
出埃及記(以色列人得到釋放、形成一個國家的歷史)Exodus (the history of Israel’s liberation and formation as a nation)
約書亞記(軍事征服應許地的歷史)Joshua (the history of the military conquest of the Promised Land)
士師記(以色列從部族聯盟到王國的過渡期)Judges (Israel’s transition from a tribal federation to a monarchy)
撒母耳記上(以色列在掃羅和大衛治理下,正在浮現的王國)1 Samuel (Israel’s emerging monarchy under Saul and David)
撒母耳記下(大衛的統治)2 Samuel (David’s reign)
列王紀上(所羅門和大衛王國)1 Kings (Solomon and the divided kingdom)
列王紀下(以色列的敗亡)2 Kings (the fall of Israel)
以斯拉記(以色列人從被擄歸回)Ezra (the Israelites’ return from exile)
尼希米記(耶路撒冷的重建)Nehemiah (the restoration of Jerusalem)
阿摩司書和何西阿書(小先知書的例子)Amos and Hosea (examples of minor prophets)
耶利米書(大先知的例子)Jeremiah (an example of a major prophet)
傳道書(智慧文學)Ecclesiastes (Wisdom Literature)
詩篇和箴言(希伯來詩歌)Psalms and Proverbs (Hebrew poetry)
新約概覽:The New Testament overview:
路加福音(耶穌生平)The Gospel of Luke (the life of Jesus)
使徒行傳(早期教會)Acts (the early church)
以弗所書(保羅的教訓的簡介)Ephesians (an introduction to the teaching of Paul)
哥林多前書(教會的生活)1 Corinthians (life in the church)
彼得前書(對彼得的介紹)1 Peter (an introduction to Peter)
提摩太前書(對教牧書信的介紹)1 Timothy (an introduction to the Pastoral Epistles)
希伯來書(基督論)Hebrews (Christology)
羅馬書(保羅的神學)Romans (Paul’s theology)
透過閱讀這些書卷,學生可以對聖經的內容有一個基本的感覺和認識,而不會陷在一些比較困難段落的泥沼裏。從那裏出發,他們可以補充一些空隙,完整地讀完整本聖經。By reading these books, a student can get a basic feel for and understanding of the scope of the Bible without getting bogged down in the more difficult sections. From there, he or she can fill in the gaps to complete the reading of the entire Bible.
本文摘自史鮑爾的書:《每個基督徒都必須在這五件事上成長》(Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow)。