作者: Monergism 译者:诚之
“analogy of faith” is a reformed hermeneutical principle which states that,
since all scriptures are harmoniously united with no essential contradictions,
therefore, every proposed interpretation of any passage must be compared with
what the other parts of the bible teach. In other words, the “faith,” or body
of doctrine, which the scriptures as a whole proclaim will not be contradicted
in any way by any passage. Therefore, if two or three different interpretations
of a verse are equally possible, any interpretation that contradicts the clear
teaching of any other scriptures must be ruled out from the beginning.
related principle, that is very helpful in interpreting prophecy and
apocalyptic literature in particular, is that the clear must interpret the
unclear. In other words, a very specific interpretation of the highly symbolic
visions of John's apocalypse, for example, may never “trump” the clear
teachings of Paul's epistles, which are more didactic and less symbolic, and
hence more clear.