61 救贖 Atonement
作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the
Christian Faith》p.164 , 更新傳道會出版
使徒保羅曾說,他定意不知道別的,只知道耶穌基督並祂釘十字架。他 用這種方式 來宣告,十字架對基督教是極其重要的。有關救贖(Atonement) 的教義是所有基督教神學思想的中心,馬丁路德稱基督教為十字架神學。十字架乃是基督教的普世標記。救贖的概念可追溯至舊約聖經,神那時已經為以色列民設立了一個贖罪的制度。所謂贖罪就是修正,消弭所犯的罪過,並賠償所造成的傷害 。
1. 救贖涉及還清罪債。
2 .人類不能救贖自己的罪。
3 .耶穌的完美無瑕疵使祂有資格完成救贖之工。
4 .基督承受了舊約約書中的咒詛。
5 .基督的救贖包括代替和滿足兩方面的工作。
6 . 由於聖父和聖子的合作,才使我們得以與神和好 。
羅3 :21-28 ;羅5 :17-19 ;弗1 : 7 ;腓3 :8- 9 ;多3 : 1-7
apostle Paul declared that he was determined to know nothing save Christ and
Him crucified. This was the apostle's way of emphasizing the extreme importance
of the Cross to Christianity. The doctrine of the Atonement is central to all
Christian theology. Luther called Christianity a theology of the Cross. The
figure of a cross is the universal symbol of Christianity. The concept of
atonement reaches back to the Old Testament where God set up a system by which
the people of Israel could make atonement for their sins. To atone is to make
amends, to set things right.
the Old and New Testaments make it clear that all human beings are sinners. As
our sins are against an infinite, holy God who cannot even look upon sin,
atonement must be made in order for us to have fellowship with God. Because sin
touches even our best acts, we are incapable of making a sufficient sacrifice.
Even our sacrifices are tainted and would require a further sacrifice to cover
that blemish, ad infinitum. We have no gift valuable enough, no work righteous
enough to atone for our own sins. We are debtors who cannot pay their debts.
receiving the wrath of the Father on the cross, Christ was able to make
atonement for His people. Christ carried, or bore, the punishment for the sins
of human beings. He atoned for them by accepting the just punishment due for
those sins. The Old Testament covenant pronounced a curse upon any person who
broke the law of God. On the cross, Jesus not only took that curse upon
Himself, but He became "a curse for us" (Galatians 3:13). He was
forsaken by the Father and experienced the full measure of hell on the cross.
Christianity has insisted that the Atonement involves substitution and
satisfaction. In taking God's curse upon Himself, Jesus satisfied the demands
of God's holy justice. He received God's wrath for us, saving us from the wrath
that is to come (1 Thessalonians 1:10).
A key
phrase in the Bible regarding the Atonement is the phrase, "in behalf
of." Jesus did not die for Himself, but for us. His suffering was
vicarious; He was our substitute. He took our place in fulfilling the role of
the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
the Father's wrath is real, it should be noted that the atonement Christ made
was not a case of the Son working against the Father's will. It is not as if
Christ were snatching His people out of the Father's hand. The Son did not
persuade the Father to save those whom the Father was loathe to save. On the
contrary, both Father and Son willed the salvation of the elect and worked
together to bring it to pass. As the apostle Paul wrote, "God was in
Christ, reconciling the world to Himself" (2 Corinthians 5:19).
1. Atonement involves a payment to make amends
for a debt.
2. Human beings cannot atone for their own sins.
3. Jesus' perfection qualified Him to make
4. Christ fulfilled the curse of the Old
5. Christ's atonement was both a work of
substitution and satisfaction.
6. The Father and Son worked in harmony to
effect our reconciliation.
Essential Truths of the Christian Faith devotional is excerpted from Essential
Truths of the Christian Faith Copyright © 1992 by R. C. Sproul. All rights