
基督的門徒將上帝的話藏在心裡Disciples Hide God’s Word inTheir Hearts

作者:  Robert W. Carver  譯者: Maria Marta

「我?要背誦聖經? 但我已不再是小孩子了。 此外,我現在教孩子學習。 我教;  他們學。」  也許這些都不是成年基督徒的原話,但它們可能代表了許多人的態度。這些人多年來一直從未真正背誦過特定的經文(或者根本沒有背誦)

然而,對真正的基督門徒, 一個真正希望像基督的門徒而言,背誦聖經是一項重要的操練。如果你小時候背過聖經,你可能了解這句經文的意義:「我將你的話藏在心裡,免得我得罪你」(詩篇一一九11)。詩篇一一九篇不僅是聖經中最長的一章,而且還具有顯著的文體特征。 這首希伯來詩分為二十二詩節(譯按:詩節stanza是一首詩最大的結構單位,包含兩行或更多行詩verse line,行詩是較小的結構單位),每一詩節的第一個字母均按希伯來字母表順序排列。詩節內的每一行詩又都用同一個字母起首。這種按字母順序排列的結構有助於記憶經文。

這首詩篇不但其篇幅和形式值得注意,而且更以其崇高的主題著稱。從開始到結束,每一節經文都是關於上帝的道。以希伯來字母Beth(第二個字母)開頭的詩節的首行詩句是「少年人用什麼潔淨他的行為呢?是要遵行你的話」(9節),尾行詩句是「我要默想你的訓詞,看重你的道路。我要在你的律例中自樂,我不忘記你的話」(15-16節)。 避免陷入和逃避我們靈魂的敵人的網羅的關鍵是要認識上帝的說話,默想上帝的說話,牢記上帝的說話。聖經「要熟記上帝說話」的命令位於這些教誨的正中。

猶太父親要肩負的神聖任務之一,就是要讓兒子熟悉妥拉(創世記 至申命記),和強調準確背誦上帝說話的重要性(申六4-7)。 因此,在孩子的最早期,會聽到法律書的朗誦,重要的段落被一遍又一遍的重複朗誦。 由於大多數家庭都太窮了,以至於無法擁有自己的舊約書卷集,因此培養記憶能力是必要的。

背誦聖經將獲得許多益處。其中最重要的是聖經幫助我們抵抗撒旦的誘惑。耶穌在曠野對仇敵每一次試探的回應都是「經上記著」,就是這方面最好的例證(太四4710)。此外,聖經刻在你的心版上,方便你終日不住地思想(詩一一九97) ;有助於我們的思想被內住的聖言塑造,以致我們的心意得以更新(羅十二2; 林後十5)。將上帝的真理存記在心裏,在做決定、輔導、見證、教導等工作時,我們更容易記起它們。當我們被懷疑和沮喪困擾等負面情緒困擾時,上帝真理的儲存將是我們這艘被風暴襲擊的方舟的安全與穩固的錨。

所以切勿拖延。 現在就開始。 選擇一節經文(或一個段落)。記下來。定期重溫。對某人讀出來。學習聖經不是為了誇耀,而是為了將所學的真道活出來,並讓別人從你身上看見基督。

Robert W. Carver served as associate professor of Greek and Bible at Clearwater Christian College in Clearwater, Fla., for more than thirty-five years.


Disciples Hide God’s Word in Their Hearts
by Robert W. Carver

“Me? Memorize Scripture? But I’m not a child anymore. Besides, I teach children now. I teach; they learn.” Though perhaps not the actual words of adult Christians, these sentiments may represent the attitude of many. They haven’t really memorized specific Scriptures in many years (or perhaps not at all).

However, for a true disciple of Christ, who truly wants to be like Christ, memorizing Scripture is a vital discipline. If you did memorize Scripture as a child, you probably learned Psalm 119:11: “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119 is not only the longest chapter in the Bible, but it also is marked by noteworthy stylistic features. The Hebrew poem is divided into twenty-two stanzas, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Each verse within a stanza begins with a particular letter. This alphabetical structure was an aid for memorization.

When we are beset with doubts and depression, the hidden store of God’s truth will be a sure and steady anchor for our storm-tossed ark.
Not only for its length and its literary form is this psalm noteworthy, but also for its lofty subject. From its beginning to its end, every single verse is about the Word of God. Stanza beth begins: “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word” (v. 9). The stanza ends: “I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word” (vv. 15–16). The key to avoiding and escaping the snares of the enemy of our souls is to know the Word, meditate on the Word, and remember the Word. Nestled right in the middle of these instructions is the biblical mandate to memorize it.

One of the sacred tasks of a Jewish father was to acquaint his son with the Torah (Genesis–Deuteronomy) and to stress the importance of memorizing with precision what God had said (Deut. 6:4–7). Thus, the Law would be recited in the child’s hearing from his earliest days, and key passages would be repeated over and over. Since most homes were too poor to own their own collection of the Old Testament scrolls, the cultivation of the memory was essential.

One who memorizes Scripture will reap many benefits. Foremost is Scripture’s aid in resisting Satan’s enticements. Jesus’ response of “It is written” to each of the adversary’s temptations in the wilderness is the greatest illustration of this (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10). Furthermore, Scripture written on the tablets of the heart is there for meditation all the day long (Ps. 119:97). It aids the renewing of our mind so that our thinking is shaped by the indwelling Word (Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 10:5). God’s truth stored up in the heart will come more readily to mind in decision making, counseling, witnessing, teaching, etc. When we are beset with doubts and depression, the hidden store of God’s truth will be a sure and steady anchor for our storm-tossed ark.

So don’t delay. Start now. Choose a verse (or passage). Write it out. Review it regularly. Be accountable to someone. Learn it not to boast but so that you may live it and so that Christ may be seen in you.