
期待主的日子Anticipating the Day of theLord

[每日靈修] 11/3/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯







彼前二12 你們在外邦人中應當品行端正叫那些毀謗你們是作惡的因看見你們的好行為便在鑒察或作眷顧的日子歸榮耀給神。
彼前二25 你們從前好像迷路的羊如今卻歸到你們靈魂的牧人監督了。
摩五18 想望耶和華日子來到的有禍了你們為何想望耶和華的日子呢那日黑暗沒有光明。
路一6869 主以色列的神是應當稱頌的因祂眷顧祂的百姓為他們施行救贖 在祂僕人大衛家中為我們興起了拯救的角
路一78 因我們神憐憫的心腸叫清晨的日光從高天臨到我們。

Anticipating the Day of the Lord

In the Old Testament, the prophets spoke of the day of the “visitation of God.” It was seen sometimes as a day of great comfort and rejoicing, and at other times as a day of great distress and judgment.

At the birth of Jesus, God visited the earth. This visitation is celebrated in the Spirit-inspired hymn of Zacharias, in which he twice makes mention of God’s divine visitation (Luke 1:68–69, 78).

The New Testament calls Jesus the “Bishop of our souls.” He is the Bishop Incarnate. His visit to this world has changed the course of history. The initial visit of our heavenly Bishop was cloaked in mystery. He came not as a military general but as a baby in a rock-hewn manger. But He came to care for our souls. He came to see our situation. He came with divine blessing and redemption. He also came with a divine warning.

Our Bishop announced to the world that at some future date He would make a second visit. He promises to appear once more to review His troops. For those who love His coming, His next visit will be an occasion of unspeakable joy and glory. At that visit, the consummation of His bishop’s task will be complete.

For those who ignore the first visit of the Bishop, His second visit will be one of sudden disaster. That will be the day of the Lord, the day Amos described as a day of darkness, with no light in it (Amos 5:18).

Coram Deo
Thank God for the unspeakable joy and glory that awaits you in the day of the Lord.

Passages for Further Study
Luke 1:68–69
Luke 1:78