
渴慕上帝的律法Longing for God’s Law


小喬治•蓋洛普(George Gallup Jr.)的一項調查揭露了我們文化的一個驚人趨勢。根據蓋洛普的調查,證據似乎表明,在我們的社會中沒有明確的行為模式可以區分誰是基督徒、誰是非基督徒。我們似乎都被同樣的聲音所吸引,都在當代文化不斷變化的標準中尋找可接受之行為的基礎。其他人在做什麼,似乎是我們唯一的道德規範。





詩一一九97 我何等愛慕你的律法,終日不住地思想。
詩一一九1112 我將你的話藏在心裡,免得我得罪你。耶和華啊,你是應當稱頌的!求你將你的律例教訓我!
詩一一九131 我張口而氣喘,因我切慕你的命令。

Longing for God’s Law

A survey by George Gallup Jr. revealed a startling trend in our culture. According to Gallup, the evidence seems to indicate that there are no clear behavioral patterns that distinguish Christians from non-Christians in our society. We all seem to be marching to the same drummer, looking to the shifting standards of contemporary culture for the basis of what is acceptable conduct. What everybody else is doing seems to be our only ethical norm.

This pattern can emerge only in a society or a church wherein the law of God is eclipsed. The very word law seems to have an unpleasant ring to it in our evangelical circles.

Let’s try an experiment. Read the passages from Psalm 119 that accompany this devotion. Try to crawl into the skin of the writer and experience empathy. Try to feel what he felt when he wrote these lines thousands of years ago.

Does this sound like a modern Christian? Do we hear people talk about longing passionately for the law of God? Do we hear our friends expressing joy and delight in God’s commandments?

Coram Deo
Do you long passionately for God’s law? Do you express joy and delight in His commandments?

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 119:97
Psalm 119:11–12
Psalm 119:131