
理解歷史進程Comprehending the Course ofHistory

[每日靈修] 12/20/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯






詩七七15 你曾用你的膀臂贖了你的民,就是雅各和約瑟的子孫。
詩七七12 我也要思想你的經營,默念你的作為。
詩九十2 諸山未曾生出,地與世界你未曾造成,從亙古到永遠,你是神。

Comprehending the Course of History

What is striking in this history is the manifest hand of providence in the work of redemption. God is a God of long-range planning. He does not succumb to the all-too-human tendency toward immediate gratification and short-term goals.

God sees the end from the beginning and rules the course of history, moving it inexorably toward its appointed destiny. In the affairs of the life of Abraham, God was providentially directing history toward David’s kingship and far beyond to the kingship of Christ.

The genealogies show that the first advent of Christ was not an afterthought in God’s mind, a sudden quick-fix remedy for a world run amok. Rather, it displays a marvelous drama of redemption that God ordained before the foundation of the world and gradually but surely brought to pass in the footnotes of history.

All who rejoice in the first advent are comforted by the certainty of the promised second advent. We, as twenty-first-century Christians, live in an interim period—the time between two advents that define, condition, and redeem the meaning of our lives.

Coram Deo
Focus your thoughts on the second advent of Jesus Christ by reading Matthew 24.

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 77:15
Psalm 77:12
Psalm 90:2