
面對黑暗Confronting the Darkness

[每日靈修] 12/9/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯

寇爾森(Charles Colson)談到一種現代的「回到黑暗時期」。當我想起原始的黑暗時期時,我想到的是一個文化衰落的時期,知識的進步是靜止的。

但今天我們看到的是知識爆炸的問題。這是信息和通信是很重要的生意的時代。我們聽到大學的呼聲,即每個調查領域的知識都在快速增長,以至於即使在範圍最小的專業領域也沒有人可以吸收這知識。 「專家」的時代已經結束。現在必須用相對的說法來定義「專家」一詞。


三十年前,我讀了一本猶太哲學家兼神學家馬丁•布伯(Martin Buber)寫的書。布伯的書有一個不祥的標題:《神的遮蔽》(The Eclipse of God)。那是我們這個時代的日蝕。陰影已經超過了上帝的榮耀。我們是一群在思想上容不下上帝的人。我們已經回到了柏拉圖的洞穴,在那裏我們更喜歡牆上跳舞的影子,這面牆是由毫無根據的意見遮蔽了真理之光所造成的。


何四1 以色列人哪,你們當聽耶和華的話。耶和華與這地的居民爭辯,因這地上無誠實,無良善,無人認識神。
路十一52 你們律法師有禍了!因為你們把知識的鑰匙奪了去,自己不進去,正要進去的人你們也阻擋他們。
哈二14 認識耶和華榮耀的知識要充滿遍地,好像水充滿洋海一般。

Confronting the Darkness

Charles Colson speaks of a modern “return to the Dark Ages.” When I think of the original Dark Ages, I think of a period when culture was in decline and the progress of knowledge was static.

But today we read of the problem of the explosion of knowledge. It is a time when information and communications are big business. We hear the cry from the universities that knowledge in every field of investigation is increasing so rapidly that no one can assimilate it, even in the most narrow of specialties. The age of the “expert” is over. The word expert must now be defined in relative terms.

If knowledge is light and the light is exploding in magnitude, how can we speak of a new Dark Ages? The darkness is in the heart. It is a darkness produced by a shroud covering the face of God.

Thirty years ago, I read a book written by the Jewish philosopher and theologian Martin Buber. Buber’s book had an ominous title: The Eclipse of God. That is the eclipse of our age. A shadow has passed over the glory of God. We are a people who will not have God in our thinking. We have returned to Plato’s cave, in which we prefer the dancing shadows on the wall of ungrounded opinion over the light of truth.

Coram Deo
Ask God to dispel the darkness in your own mind, soul, and spirit through His marvelous light.

Passages for Further Study
Hosea 4:1
Luke 11:52
Habakkuk 2:14