
結出果子Producing Fruit

[每日靈修] 2/10/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯



每個基督徒彰顯聖靈果子的程度會有不同,甚至個別的基督徒,在人生不同時期也會有不同程度的表現。產生果子的是聖靈。聖靈果子是聖靈成聖工作的一部分。成聖不是神單方面的工作(monergistic work),而是人與神共同的工作(synergistic):它涉及到、也需要信徒的合作。我們正在作成得救的功夫,與此同時,神也在我們心裏運行(譯按:腓二13)。



加五22 聖靈所結的果子,就是仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、溫柔、節制。這樣的事沒有律法禁止。
腓二13 因為你們立志行事都是神在你們心裡運行,為要成就他的美意。
來十10 我們憑這旨意,靠耶穌基督,只一次獻上他的身體,就得以成聖。
來十14 因為他一次獻祭,便叫那得以成聖的人永遠完全。
林前六11 你們中間也有人從前是這樣;但如今你們奉主耶穌基督的名,並藉著我們神的靈,已經洗淨,成聖,稱義了。

Producing Fruit

One cannot be a Christian and have no fruit. Indeed, all Christians yield some measure of all the fruit of the Spirit. It is not that one receives the fruit of love and another the fruit of joy. All the fruit is to be manifest in all Christians.

The degree of the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit may vary from Christian to Christian, and even episodically in the individual Christian’s life. The Holy Spirit produces the fruit. The fruit of the Spirit is part of the Spirit’s work of sanctification. Sanctification is not a monergistic work; it is synergistic: It involves and requires the cooperation of the believer. We are working out our salvation while at the same time God is working within us.

All of our labor in sanctification would yield no fruit if God were not working in us. Ultimately, it is His fruit in that He is the source of it and power for it. But the full measure of the fruit of the Spirit requires that we work. We are to work not casually or occasionally. Our labor is to be done in fear and trembling.

Coram Deo
God is at work within you. Are you cooperating?

Passages for Further Study
Hebrews 10:10
Hebrews 10:14
1 Corinthians 6:11