
神的自存 The Self-Existence Of God

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 译者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian FaithP34 ,更新傳道會出版



凡事有果必有恩,從定義上說,這句話是正確的。但神並不是果,在祂並沒有開始,因此在神也沒有一個前在的因。神是永恒的,過去如是,今天如是;神在祂自己𥚃面擁有存在的能力,並不需要借助外力才能繼續存在,這就是自存(self-existent) 一詞的意思。自存是一個高超可畏的概念,我們所知道的一切事物沒有一件是自存的。凡在我們參考座標下的一切事物,都是受造的且具依賴性,我們不能完全理解什麽叫做自存。





1. 凡事有果必有因。
2. 神不是果,所以在神也沒有因。
3. 自我創造是個非理性的概念。
4. 自存是個理性的概念。
5. 自存不但在理性上是可能的,也是必須的。



When the Bible declares that God is the Creator of the universe it indicates that God Himself is not created. There is a crucial distinction between the Creator and the creation. The creation bears the stamp of the Creator and witnesses to His glory. But the creation is never to be worshipped. It is not Supreme.

It is impossible for something to create itself. The concept of self-creation is a contradiction in terms, a nonsense statement. I ask the reader to pause  and reflect a bit. Nothing can be self-created. Not even God can make Himself. For God to create Himself He would have to be before He is. Even God can’t do that.

Every effect must have a cause. That is true by definition. But God is not an effect. He has no beginning and therefore no antecedent cause. He is eternal. He always was or is. He has, within Himself, the power of being. He requires no assistance from outside sources to continue to exist. This is what is meant by the idea of self-existent. Granted, it is a lofty and awesome concept. We know of nothing else quite like it. Everything we perceive in our frame of reference is dependent and creaturely. We can’t fully comprehend anything as self-existent.

But just because it is impossible (by definition) that a creature be selfexistent does not mean it is impossible for the Creator to be self-existent. God, like us, cannot be self-created. But God, unlike us, can be selfexistent. Indeed, this is the very essence of the difference between the Creator and creation. This is what makes Him the Supreme Being and the source of all other beings.

The concept of self-existence violates no law of reason, logic, or science. It is a rationally valid notion. By contrast, the concept of self-creation violates the most basic law of reason, logic, and science—the law of noncontradiction. Self-existence is rational; self-creation is irrational.

The notion of something being self-existent is not only rationally possible, it is rationally necessary. Again, reason demands that if anything is, then something must have, within itself, the power of being. Otherwise there would be nothing. Unless something existed in itself, nothing could possibly exist at all.

Perhaps the oldest and deepest question of all is, why is there something rather than nothing? A necessary answer to at least part of the question is because God exists. God exists in Himself eternally. He is the source and fountainhead of all being. He alone has, within Himself, the power of being. Paul declares our dependence upon the power of God’s being for our own existence when he says: “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28)

1. Every effect must have a cause.
2. God is not an effect; He has no cause.
3. Self-creation is an irrational concept.
4. Self-existence is a rational concept.
5. Self-existence is not only rationally possible, but rationally necessary.

Biblical passages for reflection:
Psalm 90:2
John 1:1-5
Acts 17:22-31
Colossians 1:15-20
Revelation 1:8