耶穌為童女所生 The Virgin Birth
作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the
Christian Faith》P77 ,更新傳道會出版http://www.crmnj.org/
Virgin Birth
doctrine of the Virgin Birth of Jesus holds that Jesus' birth was the result of
a miraculous conception whereby the Virgin Mary conceived a baby in her womb by
the power of the Holy Spirit, without a human father. Christ's miraculous birth
tells us much about his nature. That He was born of woman demonstrates that He
was indeed human and became one of us. Christ's humanity, however, was not
precisely the same as our own. We are born with original sin, Christ was not.
Virgin Birth also relates to the deity of Christ. While it is certainly
possible for Deity to enter the world in a manner other than a virgin birth,
the miracle of his birth points to Christ's divinity. The announcement of the
angel Gabriel to Mary underscores this point. When he told Mary she would have
a son, Mary was perplexed: "How can this be, since I do not know a
man?" (Luke 1:34).
answer to Mary is of decisive significance for our understanding of the Virgin
Birth: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest
will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be
called the Son of God" (Luke 1:35). Moments later the angel added,
"For with God nothing will be impossible" (Luke 1:37).
from artificial insemination, which is a modern, non-miraculous variation on
conception, nothing is more regular or commonplace in nature than the normal
causal relationship for the conception of a baby. For a woman to become
pregnant who has not had sexual intercourse with a man is not only biologically
extraordinary, it is clearly against the laws of nature.
Mary's child was not generated by Mary, herself. The "father" of the
baby is the Holy Spirit. The language of the Spirit's coming upon Mary and
"overshadowing" her echoes the descriptive account of the Holy
Spirit's work in the original creation of the world. It reveals that this baby
will be a special creation with His father being God Himself.
who do not believe in the Virgin Birth usually do not believe that Jesus is the
true Son of God. Thus, the Virgin Birth is a watershed doctrine, separating
orthodox Christians from those who do not believe in the Resurrection and
1. The Bible plainly and unambiguously
teaches the Virgin Birth.
2. The birth of Jesus from a woman points
to His humanity and His appearance as the new or second Adam.
3. That Jesus was born apart from human
fatherhood points to His divine nature as the Son of God.
4. The denial of the Virgin Birth is
usually linked to the denial of the supernatural or miraculous elements of