

講員林慈信2020.3.15 講於馬來西亞檳城。2020.3.28根據記錄稿增訂。
(Webcast from Penang, Malaysia, March 15, 2000.  Chinese version edited and revised from typescript, March 28, 2020.  English version edited and revised from typescript, March 30, 2020.)

I. 前所未有的災難

今天是2020315日。過去一個星期,世界健康組織 (WHO) 終於宣布新冠肺炎是一個大流行,一個席捲全球的大流行 (pandemic)。美國下令禁止從歐洲的旅客不能入境。無論球賽或百老匯的戲劇,都大幅度的取消。過去一個半月,在中國的同胞和弟兄姐妹經歷了空前所沒有的封城。(筆者注:校對文稿時,美國的病患已超過十萬人。328日。
Today is March 15, 2020.  During the past week, we witnessed that the World Health Organization (WHO) finally declared the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) to be a world pandemic.  The United States banned travel by non-Americans from Europe to the US.  Broadway shows, sporting events have been cancelled at last.  And in the past one and a half months, our brothers and sisters and kinsfolk in China have experienced isolation quarantine in an unprecedented scale.  (As I write this manuscript, the number of cases in the US have surpassed 136,000.)

這是前所未有的災難嗎?從某一些角度來看,我們可以說,新冠肺炎病毒這次的大流行是前所未有的。但也不完全沒有史前的先例。在歷史上有多次的瘟疫,過去二十年就有SARS MERS(中東肺炎), EBOLA等。
Is this an unprecedented disaster?  From certain perspectives, we can say that COVID-19 is unprecedented.  But yet, we are not exactly without precedent.  There have been plagues throughout history (Reformation leaders like Luther and Calvin instructed their believers to minister to those so inflicted).  In the past twenty years, we lived through SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome),  MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), and EBOLA (Ebola virus disease).

These disasters remind us of several things.

[1] 我們人類的知識和理解是有限的,雖然在過去五百年(歷史的現代期),在醫學,科技上人類有很大的進步。特別是不能了解病毒的來源。我們可以用基因工程去分析病毒,但是究竟從哪裡來,仍是一個奧秘。現代期和後現代期的人力,可能過分自信,傲慢。我們必須面對我們的有限。
[1] The limits of human understanding, despite advances in medicine and technology during the past 500 years.  This is so especially in understanding the cause of the virus.  We can now do genetic analysis of the virus itself, but where it comes from remains a mystery.  People living in the modern and postmodern periods tend to be overly self-confident and proud.  We must face the limits to human understanding.

[2] 病毒或其他的流行病也給我們看到,人類的需要和苦難是這麼大幅度的。慈善機構往往提到,捐款的,從事慈善的,會疲倦(fatigue)。
 [2] Disasters remind us of the scale of human need and suffering.  (As I write this manuscript, the US death toll has passed 2,400.)  Charity organizations often mention the “disaster fatigue,” including among donors, not to mention workers.

 [3] 與這有關的是,我們整個地球的人類都是互相相關的。當然在這個傳媒發達的年代,我們都是互相連接的。這當然是全球化所帶來的一個結果。我們可以即時看到地球另一個角落所發生的事。全球化帶來很多好處,但也帶來不少不公義的現象。
 [3] Related to this is the fact that we are so connected globally.  Contributing to this interconnectedness is the availability of media.  This, of course, is a result of globalization.  We can instantly see what is happening on the other side of the globe.  Globalization has its advantages.  But it also results in a certain amount of injustice.

[4] 有病毒有災難的時候我們看到很多奇妙的事我們看到感人的愛心和英雄的犧牲。特別是醫療,救護人員。不分國族。《聖經》告訴我們,上帝是按祂的形象造人,造男造女的(創126-27)。很多人,雖然他們仍然需要耶穌基督,但是因為上帝的形象和上帝的普遍恩典,我們會看到很多人彼此幫助的真善美 (羅214-16)。
 [4] Disasters often show up the wonder of human compassion, heroism, and sacrifice.  The outstanding examples, of course, are the health workers and first responders.  There is no distinction in race and nationality.  (As I wrote the Chinese manuscript two days ago, the first medical worker, a 48 year old male nurse, died in New York.)  The Bible tells us that God made man and woman in his own image (Genesis 1:26-27).  Although so many people still need Jesus Christ, they are made in God’s image, and have common grace.  Out of these, people will do good: they will help one another.  This is real, this is good, this is beautiful (Romans 2:14-16).

 [5] 災難讓我們看到人的罪是多麼真實。這包括個人的罪群體的罪甚至整個社會的罪319
 [5] Disasters help us see the reality of human sin.  This includes individual sin, and corporate or societal sin (Romans 3:19).

[6] 很多時候有大災難就帶來一些倫理上的兩難(dilemma)。有些是令人心痛的,必須要作的選擇。譬如在美國,將來美國就要選擇:誰能夠用一個能偶維持生命的機器 (ventilator)?誰不能用?誰會存活,誰被犧牲掉?(注:筆者在校對筆錄稿時,這種現象已開始在美國的醫院裡發生。2020328日。)
[6] Disasters often result in certain ethical dilemmas.  Some excruciating choices await us.  In the US, for example, sooner or later (as I write, it has already become reality), hospitals will have to choose who gets to use a ventilator, and who does not.

[7] 最後,災難往往留下一些我們不懂得如何回答的問題。前所未有的災難嗎?不完全是。從某一個角度來看, 我們相信《傳道書》所說的:日光之下並沒有新事(傳19)。
 [7] Disasters often leave us with unanswered questions. Unprecedented?  Not quite.  In some sense, we are reminded by Ecclesiastes: “There is no new thing under the sin” (Eccl. 3:19).

II. 一些普遍的回應和觀點

Let us take a look at some common responses and perspectives toward COVID-19.

[1] 人們會慌張,慌張的時候就會搶購一些貨品。連如廁的衛生紙!這是什麼心態?
 [1] Of course, there is a lot of panic and panic buying.  (Why do people buy toilet paper? 

[2] 太多的基督徒有這種回應:他們只是專注於自己或親愛的家人的幸福。他們會禱告,但是往往起初階段的禱告,都是為了醫治禱告,或為安全禱告。對很多基督徒來說,求上帝醫治(或讓自己免疫)這種禱告比較容易,可能也是因為,某些教會的教導只限於這點。但若要學習接受苦難這個事實,更藉著禱告活出這種『接納』(順服),對太多基督徒是一個非常難學的功課。甚至沒有想過。
 [2] A response made by all too many Christians is: they focus only on their welfare, and that of their family and loved ones.  As they pray, especially during the first phase of their praying, they only pray for healing, and for safety (immunity from the virus).  For so many Christians, it is easy (instinctual) to pray for health and safety.  Perhaps the teaching they have received from their churches has been limited to this kind of prayer.  It is much harder to accept suffering, and to pray in a way which reflects this acceptance.  Perhaps they have never been taught to do this; perhaps it has not yet been a key part of their Christian conviction.

 [3] 宿命論和逃避主義。在某些地方,是的,能夠做到的事是非常有限的。有些人就開始絕望了。
[3] Escapism and fatalism.  For some people indeed, there is nothing much more that they can do.  So people respond by losing hope.

 [4] 第四種回應是責怪別人或者責怪政府。
 [4] Blaming others.  People will blame individuals and governments.

[5] 第五方面我們看到某些基督徒很直接很勇敢也很清晰地傳福音。他們宣講的,是從基督而來的安慰和盼望。我們為這些在這時刻挺身而出,傳福音的同工感謝主。但這些福音信息究竟有沒有包括基督徒如何看待苦難,是可以商討的問題。
 [5] We see this especially in China: Christians and churches engaged in directly, boldly, clearly, sharing the gospel, and offering comfort and hope.  We praise God for these colleagues who stand up and proclaim the Good News.  Whether these messages are linked to (or include) instruction on how the Bible views suffering, and how we are taught to live in the midst of suffering, is another matter which can be discussed.

These are some common responses and perspectives.

III. 我們的觀點角度:《聖經》的整套真理(教義)

We take the following perspective.  What does the Bible say as a whole about all this?   How  does the Christian as a whole direct us as to how to interpret this pandemic?  How should we interpret it all, and how do we respond in lifestyle and action?

 這種觀點角度背後的前提是我們意味著《聖經》有一套真理要教導我們人生的意義病痛苦難的意義還有死亡的意義等這些真理。《聖經》不僅教導我們關於人生,病痛,苦難和死亡這些是,最重要的是,《聖經》告訴我們,宇宙的真神是誰?我們所相信的這位真神是怎樣一位永活的神?基督徒的立場是:我們必須認識,正確地認識這位真神,與他建立個人的關係,才能夠真正回應人生,病毒,苦難和死亡。而《聖經》告訴我們,什麼是真正盼望的來源。最後,《聖經》告訴我們,人生的意義是什麼?現在我們可以做什麼?我們有什麼工作要做?因此說,是『一套』真理,不僅是零碎的信念。更不是只靠『常識』(common sense)
This perspective implies that the Bible does have something to say about the meaning of life,  sickness, suffering, and death.  The Bible not only teaches us about life, sickness, suffering and death; most importantly, the Bible proclaims who the true God is.  What kind of God is this God whom we put our trust in?  Because, ultimately, we need to know this God truly, personally, in order to face up to life, sickness, suffering, and death according to truth.  Of course, the Bible also teaches us where is the true source of hope, and finally, what is the meaning of life and what kind of work we can and should do now.  That is why we say a body of doctrine: not just a mix of isolated teachings.  And of course, we don’t only go by common sense.

可能這是我們在這個時刻要強調的因為我們有上帝因為我們有耶穌基督因此我們有盼望。在這個時刻我們有工作要做 (Theres work to do)
Perhaps, this is a distinctive that needs to be stressed at this moment.  Because we have God, because we have Christ, we can have hope.  This is work which we can and must do at this moment.

IV. 上帝與 COVID-19

Now we turn to “God and COVID-19.”  Does God love us?  God is love.  According to the Bible, there are three kinds of “love of God.”  And the scope encompassed by each of the three kinds of divine love is different.  God’s love must be understood in connection with all his other attributes.  (See below.)

[1] 首先有上帝的普遍恩典。《使徒行傳》1417上帝把美善的事賜給全人類祂『常施恩惠從天降雨』。日光照在全人類身上,不論是好人歹人。《雅各書》117也是這樣說:『各樣美善的恩賜,和各樣全備的賞賜,都是從上頭來的,從眾光之父那裡降下來。』雖然人類都犯了罪,得罪了上帝,無望,無助 (羅512),上帝沒有讓人類的罪發揮最嚴重,最糟糕的地步。祂掌管罪和罪的權勢,約制它們的影響力。
 [1]  God is a God of mercy.  The first kind of divine love is “common grace.”  Acts 14:17: God gives good things to all mankind: “he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons.”   He causes the sun to shine on the righteous and the wicked.  James 1:17 teaches the same truth: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming from the Father of lights.”  This is true even though all mankind have sinned against God, and is without hope and without help (Romans 5:12).  God did not allow sin to exercise its full influence on mankind, so as to bring about the worst, extreme consequences.  God restrained and restricted sin and the power of evil.

We can see evidence of this common grace from another (positive) perspective.  People are still willing to sacrifice; they are still willing to be compassionate, and lovingly care for the needy.  This is true regardless of their religion, or if they don’t have a religion.  (As I write, we see that the number of volunteer health workers who responded to the UK and US governments both far exceeded the expectation.  This should move us to tears.  March 30, 2020.)  We see common grace at work!  Praise God.

God is a God of mercy.  As humans, we have the mercy of a creature, a limited mercy.  Limited, but real mercy and compassion, because God’s common grace is real, it is alive among us.

God’s mercy on mankind has a purpose.  He wants men and women to return, repent and turn to him.  He wants us to trust in his Son Jesus Christ for salvation.  God has compassion on mankind!  He is patient with us, so that we may repent (Romans 2:4) and be converted to Jesus.

 [2] 上帝是上帝。祂是掌主權的上帝。祂是掌管人類生死的上帝。所以,當災難臨到時,或當我們,無論誰,生病時,必須面對這個事實:上帝掌管我們的人生,掌管我們的身體狀態,掌管死亡。或者有些基督徒第一次面對這樣的挑戰;可能要從一個比較自我中心的信仰觀(只懂得求福),調整到一個以上帝為中心的信仰。從恐懼,憂傷,我們要學習敬畏這位掌管我們生與死的主宰。
[2] God is God.  God is a sovereign God.  He sovereignly rules over life and death.  Therefore, when disaster strikes, or when we, whoever we are, face sickness, we must come to terms with this fact: God rules over our life, he rules over our sickness, he rules over death.  Perhaps for some Christians, this is the first time you face up to this challenge: the challenge is to adjust your faith, from being self-centered (only praying for health and welfare) to being more God-centered.  Through fear, through sorrow, let us learn to fear this God who is sovereign over life and death.

Why do we say all this?  The goal is that we may fear God.  That we may be converted (our minds be changed) and turn to him.   Don’t be concerned only about your feelings and your welfare.  Yes, there are signs of God’s compassion around us.  Yes, God does answer our prayers sometimes.  But, equally real as God’s compassion is his sovereignty.  He rules over life and death.

 [3] 可能下面這點跟我們今天面對的新冠肺炎病毒直接有關。上帝不僅在人類生死上是掌主權的。上帝也是統管自然界的主宰。從個別的細胞到整個地球(和整個宇宙)。目的是什麼?目的就是要人順服在祂的主權之下,把我們自己交託給祂,作我們生命的主,然後為祂的榮耀,作自己生命的好管家,和地球的好管家(創1:27-28; 215)。
[3] Perhaps this, our next point, is most directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  God is not only sovereign over human life and death.  He is also sovereign over nature.  From the smallest cell to the planet Earth (to the entire universe).  What is his purpose?  His purpose is that mankind will submit to his lordship, and commit our lives to him, that he will be lord of our lives.  Then, we will live for his glory, and be faithful stewards of ourselves and of the planet (Genesis 1:27-28, 2:15).

 那麼,上帝如何具體地在自然界作主,作王?《聖經》有具體的教導。《羅馬書》818, 19:『我想,現在的苦楚比起將來要顯於我們的榮耀,就不足介意了。受造之物切望等候上帝的眾子顯出來。』《聖經》說:自然界在等候,在盼望。等候宇宙歷史的終結。(有一點擬人法,這並不表示自然界有靈魂。《聖經》並不支持新紀元的宇宙觀。)到時,上帝的兒女獲得榮耀,自然界也被解脫。從什麼解脫?請讀下去。
Then, how does God concretely exercise his rule over nature?  The Bible provides concrete teaching.  Romans 8:18, 19: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.  For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.”  The Bible says, nature is waiting, it is eagerly longing.  It is waiting for the end (consummation) of the universe.  (There is anthropomorphism here; but it does not mean that the natural world has souls.  Christians do not accept the New Age worldview.)  At the end of history, God’s children will receive their glory; nature will be liberated as well.  Liberated from what?  Read on.

 《羅馬書》8:20, 21:『因為受造之物服在虛空之下,不是自己願意,乃是因那叫他如此的。但受造之物仍然指望脫離敗壞的轄制,得享上帝兒女自由的榮耀。』大自然不僅在等候,盼望。自然界乃服在虛空和敗壞之下。這是罪的結果,是人類犯罪的結果。準確一點,是因為亞當一人犯罪,我們都成為罪人(羅512);連自然界都承擔這個罪的後果。人類犯罪,承擔的後果是罪孽(罪名),審判,死。自然界承擔的後果是虛空和敗壞。
Romans 8:20, 21: “For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption, and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.”  You see, nature is not only waiting and longing.  It has been subjected to futility and corruption.  This is a consequence: the result of human sin.  To put it more pointedly, as a result of one man’s sin, Adam’s sin, we all have become sinners (Romans 5:12); even nature itself has to bear the consequences.  Man sins, and the results for mankind are: guilt (being guilty before God and his law), condemnation, and death.  The results for nature are: futility and corruption.

《羅馬書》822, 23:『我們知道一切受造之物一同嘆息,勞苦,直到如今。不但如此,就是我們這有聖靈初結果子的,也是自己心裡嘆息,等候得著自己的名份,乃是我們的身體得贖。』基督徒身體靈魂都得贖;自然界則從空虛,敗壞釋放。
Romans 8:22, 23: “For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.  And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” Christians will be saved, both body and soul.  Nature will be liberated from futility and corruption.

Romans teaches us that, because of the fact of sin, there is futility, corruption, and death in the world.   But from chapter 3 all the way to chapter 8, Romans declares that God has dealt with futility.  God has dealt with corruption.  He has dealt with death.  (Refer to I Corinthians 15:20-51.)   Because God has dealt with sin, he has also dealt with futility and corruption.

Sin is not only individual sin.  We see the way in which God deals with mankind: he deals with us through a head, a representative.  Because the head, one man Adam, sinned, all of us mankind became sinners.  Adam’s sin – his guilt (his sentence) – has been imputed (accounted) as ours.  The result is: you and I have to face God’s judgment, and to face death.  (Romans 5:12, 15-21.)  But, salvation also comes from a head, a representative, to all of us who put our trust in him.

但是,奇妙的是,當上帝咒詛亞當,夏娃時,祂同時咒詛了自然界。《創世記》3:17-18 上帝對亞當說:『地必為你(亞當)的緣故受咒詛;你必終身勞苦才能從地裡得吃的。地必給你長出荊棘和蒺藜來…』上帝在自然界讓荊棘等長出來,成為人在地上工作的障礙。所以人生會有困難,有痛苦,工作會不順利,流汗滿日才能糊口。
But we notice an amazing thing.  At the same time as God cursed and judged Adam and Eve (and mankind through Adam), he also cursed the earth.  In Genesis 3:7-18 God told Adam: “… cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you.”   God caused thorns and thistles to grow, as a hindrance to man’s work on the planet.  Therefore there is hardship and pain; work will not be easy going.  We get to eat after sweating over our livelihood.

Thus when we come to the New Testament, Romans chapter 8 (we studied it above)  describes God’s curse over nature this way: futility, corruption; still waiting, eagerly longing.

[4] 不過,正如罪為自然界帶來後果,耶穌基督所成就的救恩,也為自然界,為全宇宙帶來後果。一切信祂的人,上帝賜給他們作祂兒女的權利(這是上帝第二種愛:福音的邀請。)保羅怎樣描述這後果?他說,上帝的兒女們將得到自由,榮耀,釋放。我們的身體都要得贖(不僅是靈魂)。我們的身體會復活。所以我們絕對不可認為,我們僅僅是靈魂得救而已。
[4] But the good news is: Just as sin brings about consequences on nature, salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ also brings consequences on nature and the entire universe.  All who trust in Christ are given the privilege to become children of God (John 1:12: this is the second kind of divine love: he offers us the gospel invitation).  How does Paul describe the consequences?  God’s children will receive freedom, redemption, glory.  Our bodies – not just our souls – will be saved.  We will be raised (resurrected) with a new body.   So never think that Jesus saves only our souls.

God cares about us humans.  God cares about our planet.  But God first cursed us and the planet, because of sin.

[5] 結果是:雖然我們相信耶穌基督的人,已經是得救,是蒙恩的罪人,但是仍然是生活在這個地球上:這個因為罪的緣故,被上帝所咒詛的地球。基督徒在今生仍然承擔著罪的後果,雖然我們已經得救。
 [5] The result of all this is: those of us who have been saved by grace, who are redeemed sinners, still make our residence on this planet, this Earth which has been cursed by God because of sin.  We Christians still need to bear the consequences of sin, even though we have been saved.

[6] 上帝並沒有放手不管。上帝仍然在自然界掌權。人的行動,為自然界帶來問題;特別是沒有好好作地球的管家時。人往往製造一些困難。我們作為這個大地,這個地球的管家(創1:18; 2:15),往往作出一些不公義,不討上帝喜悅,不照顧弟兄的事。人類有很多不公義的事(特別在這個全球化的時代);連地球都在嘆息!但是上帝限制罪的不良影響。這也是普遍恩典的一面。
 [6]  God doesn’t just sit there in heaven.  He cares.  He still rules over nature.  Human actions impact the natural world, especially when we do not faithfully exercise our stewardship in caring for creation.  We humans create many difficulties and hardships.  As stewards of the planet (Genesis 1:28, 2:15), we often do things which are unjust; these do not glorify God; they violate our obligation to be compassionate to other people.   There are many unjust things in the world today, especially during this moment which we call “globalization.”  Even the Earth is groaning!  But God does not ignore things; he is restraining the evil consequences of sin.  This is one aspect of common grace.

[7] 一方面,人繼續犯罪,上帝也繼續咒詛大地,與此同時,上帝賜普遍恩典,上帝更施行救贖。基督徒要同時拿捏這幾點。這並不容易,也不是我們習慣作的。

[7]  So: On the one hand, human beings continue to sin.  God continues to curse the earth.  On the other hand, however, God gives common grace.  Even more importantly, God is bringing (applying) redemption grace to people.    Christians must learn to get a handle on all these facts.  This is not easy.  We are not accustomed to think in this multi-task way.
Let me repeat: Earth has been subjected under God’s curse.  Man continues to live out his sinful nature, polluting the earth and hurting others (cf. The Ten Commandments, Exodus chapter 20), thereby bringing more disasters on the plant.  But at the same time as when we harm others and bring harm on the Earth, God’s common grace is working.  At the same time, God is bringing (applying) the salvation, which has been accomplished by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, to men and women and children around the world.

There are three things here: common grace, God’s curse, and redemption.  Consider them together.  Get a handle on them together.  We sense there is tension between them.  But they are all taught in the Bible.   Just because on the one hand we see God’s curse and man’s sin, and on the other we see God’s common grace and his redemptive grace, we sense tension between the two.

[8] 有時候我們會感覺沒有盼望了。我們要放棄。或者(另一個極端)我們只傳一個使人靈魂得救的福音,向世人應許來生的盼望。(這是二十世紀初,民初,戰亂時期,和二十世紀中在台港等地往往會聽到的福音信息。正確,不完備。)
[8] Sometimes we do feel hopeless.  We want to give up.  On the other extreme, we preach a gospel which only tells people Jesus saves their souls.  This gospel does offer people hope in the life to come.  (This is message heard so often during early 20th century in China, in the midst of war, famine and revolution; and among churches in Taiwan and Hong Kong in mid-20th century, among the refugees from revolution.  A correct gospel – but could be more complete.)

These two extremes show that: we neglect a glaring fact.  True, we have been saved, but we still live in this sin-cursed planet.   So we must fulfill our responsibilities.

 [9] 是的,我們不明白病毒的來源。但是我們明白什麼是痛苦,什麼是虐待 (abuse),什麼是人類囚禁其他的人 (slavery),我們了解什麼是不公義。(特別是下一代的青年人,他們非常懂!非常清楚!教會對他們有信息可傳嗎?)在這一切不公義和痛苦之上,上帝仍然坐在祂的寶座上。上帝掌權,管理這個因罪而受咒詛的世界,上帝掌管罪人,上帝掌權管理人類,因為普遍恩典,人類會表達出一些良善來。
 [9] No, we may not understand the cause of the virus.  But we do understand – we understand what is pain, what is abuse, what is human trafficking and slavery, what is injustice.  (Especially the younger generation in the church.  They know it well!  It’s crystal clear to them.  For them, does the church have a message?)  Above all this human suffering and injustice, God is still on the throne.  He remains King.  God is sovereign, he rules over this sin-cursed earth, he rules over our lives, he rules over all mankind; and because of common grace, human beings will live out compassion.

God rules over redeemed sinner, i.e. believers.  God rules over the church on earth.  God is also in the process of showing forth the impact of redemptive grace: Christians must live out justice and mercy.  So when disasters strike, Christians often find themselves helping those in need, shoulder to shoulder in cooperation with non-Christians.  We have seen this phenomenon during the past decades (e.g. earthquakes in China; Christian relief and development agencies in the Third World and disaster areas).  This is necessary.  Because we live in an age of globalization, news of disaster and human suffering spreads very fast.   And when sensitive Christians take action, they find that others, non-Christians, have taken action – earlier, faster, with more participants.

Common grace constrains non-Christians to take action.  Redemptive grace compels Christians to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

[10] 上帝不僅是憐憫的上帝,是掌管人生死的上帝,不僅是掌管地球,自然界的上帝。祂是聖潔的上帝,祂要來審判人類。是的,雖然有普遍恩典,但是普遍不能救人;地球和人類仍然是服在上帝的咒詛之下。有一天,上帝的確會回來,施行審判。
[10] God is not only a God of mercy; he is not only sovereign over life and death; he not only rules over nature, over the planet.  He is a holy God; he will come to judge the world.  Yes, there is common grace, but common grace does not save sinners.   The earth and humans remain under God’s curse.  One day, God will personally return.  He will execute judgment.

Remember: this judgment is not to be carried out by us.  We have no authority to blame others; we cannot authoritatively blame any individual as causing disaster and suffering to come upon us.   At moments like these, individuals (or churches) may blame a certain individual or institution (let’s just say it: out of a judging spirit, Matthew 7:1-2).  If you hear such messages, don’t believe them.  God says, vengeance is mine, I will repay.  God is holy, he will come to judge; even now, he is executing judgment.

Why does God want us to know that he is holy?  That we may fear him, not that we may judge others.

[11] 上帝是施恩典的上帝,對那些相信耶穌基督的人,祂提供生命的潔淨(罪的赦免),和今生,來生的雙重盼望。祂愛我們,愛我們到底(《約翰福音》131;這是上帝第三種愛。)
[11] God is a God of grace.  To those who put their trust in Jesus, he cleanses their lives (i.e. forgive our sins), and give us double hope: hope in this life and in the next.   He does love us; he loves us to the end (John 13:1; this is the third kind of divine love.)

Yes, judgment will surely come; but in this life, there is already hope.  Not a cheap hope, not a shallow hope (e.g. just saying “Tomorrow will be better”).  Also, not a truncated hope: not merely hoping that we can leave this world and be with Jesus.  At moments like this, some Christians do preach John chapter 14: don’t sorrow, Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us.  One day he will come and take us to our heavenly home.  Amen, that is a beautiful message indeed. But at the same time we need to be sober (alert).   Our hope is not blind.  It is not a cheap hope, not a shallow kind of hope.  Our hope is based on the fact of Jesus’ resurrection (I Cor. 15:20-51).

This is the best moment to consider the end, the destiny of our lives.  Would you be willing to take a second, serious look at this God: this God who shows mercy, executes judgment, this God who curses mankind, but is holy and redeemers sinners?   Open your Bible, face this Jesus, savior of sinners.  We invite you: come and know God.  Know him in a fresh way.  Commit your life to him; give yourself to him and live for him.

V. 基督徒信仰與COVID-19

For those of us believers, who have come to know Jesus Christ as our Savior, we have work for us to do at this moment.  Let us take a look at the relationship between COVID-19 and our Christian faith.

 [1] 反省,悔改。清教徒提醒我們,當有苦難,痛苦臨到時,是基督徒作自我反省的最佳時刻。我們有沒有什麼罪,要在上帝面前承認,悔改?我們是否貪愛世界,多過愛主耶穌?『不要愛世界和世界上的事。人若愛世界,愛父的心就不再他裡面了。』(《約翰壹書》2:15)我們的心是剛硬的或柔軟的,是聖靈可以塑造,改變的心嗎?這是自我反省的時刻。
 [1] Do self-reflection, and repent.  The Puritans remind us that, when disaster and suffering comes, it is the best moment to examine ourselves.  Are there sins which we must confess before God, which we must repent of?   Do I love this world more than I love Jesus?  “Do not love the world or the things in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (I John 2:15).   Have our hearts been hardened?  Or is it soft, which the Holy Spirit can mold and change?  It is time for self-examination.

 英國的一位演員 Thomas Fry當最近接收BBC 訪問時竟然提出傳統西方文學裡的七種致命的罪 (seven deadly sins) 。他引用的是希臘神話和異教的神明。因此,就算是一個喜歡希臘神話的藝員,也會想到,我們要回到這個位置上作反省,反省我們的內心。
A British actor, Thomas Fry, was recently interviewed by BBC.  He shared about the seven deadly sins in traditional western literature!  He alluded to Greek literature and their pagan gods.  So even a person who likes pagan Greek gods would think about the need to return to this point: do self-reflection at this moment.

 [2] 榮神益人。一個基督徒的反省,不是極端的內向。當我們自我反省時,同時要考慮到人生的目標。《威敏斯特小要理問答》第一問:人生最重要的目的是什麼?答:人生最重要的目的,就是榮耀上帝,永遠享受祂。再問:《聖經》主要教導我們什麼?答:《聖經》主要教導我們,關於上帝,我們該信什麼;並且在上帝面前我們的責任是什麼。主耶穌告訴我們:律法的總綱就是盡心愛上帝,然後愛鄰舍如同愛自己。
[2] Glorify God, serve others.  A Christian’s self-examination is not a matter of extreme retrospection.  As we examine our hearts we must remember the purpose of our lives.  Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 1: “What is the chief end of man?  Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.”   It further asks: What do the Scriptures principally teach?  Scriptures principally teach what we should believe concerning God, and our duties...   Jesus taught us: the sum (summary) of the law is: love the Lord with all our hearts…, and love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

So as we do self-examination, let us also ask: Since God forgives our sins, how should I live out more love to him?  How can I, at this moment, love my neighbor more, as I love myself?

Glorify God, serve others: this is the purpose of life, this is the summary of God’s law!

We see how non-Christians have boldly stepped up to help others, out of common grace.  Many are health workers; others are delivery workers, transporting necessary material.  As Christians we have a higher motive, a better reason why we should love others, and show our love and compassion with action.  We serve the true God, he is our Creator, he is our Redeemer.  Since he loves us, his love constrains us to love others.

 [3] 慈惠事工。教會在這時刻,需要發動,作從事慈惠(憐憫)事工。教會的任務不僅是慈惠事工,也必須傳講上帝的話。但是教會的任務不僅是傳講上帝的話,也要從事慈惠事工。請看《使徒行傳》第六章,和保羅書信,處處都看到慈惠的心懷和行動。保羅親自為猶太地的窮乏聖徒向馬其頓和亞該亞(希臘)教會募款。《雅各書》就更不用說了!
[3] Ministries of Mercy.  Churches at this moment needs to mobilize and engage in ministries of mercy.  No, ministries of mercy do not comprise the whole of the church’s ministry; the church must proclaim God’s Word.  Nevertheless, the church is called not only to proclaim God’s Word; she is also commanded to do ministries of mercy.  Read Acts chapter 6, read Paul’s epistles; all over the New Testament, we find the apostolic church involved in ministries of mercy – in heart and in deed.  Paul personally raised funds from the churches in Macedonia and Achaia (Greece) to relieve the poor saints in Judaea.  And need we mention the book of James!?

 Some churches have a beautiful tradition of piety; they pray and read the Bible; they thoroughly trust the Bible as the Word of God.  But in some circles there seems to be a serious neglect in this area of mercy.  Re-read the Bible; let the Holy Spirit shed light; step up and take action.

 [4] 提防措施。接下來是要有智慧地,作一些謹慎的提防性的措施。
[4] Take precautionary measures.  We must be wise and take some precautionary measures.

Here we must face up to a question: what about online worship?  (Note: in China, Hong Kong, the US and many other places, this is no longer an academic exercise.)

In the past 13 years, I have often assisted in the ministry of CCNTV, preaching at the Sunday worship services.  We conduct worship Saturday evening, equivalent to Sunday morning in China and Asia.  I never regarded it as an online church.  Those who worship with us include those working overseas, e.g. in the Middle East or Europe.  They are all by themselves; but they can open their computer (these days, their cell phone) and worship with other believers.

 教會是上帝的子民基督的身體。『教會』希伯來文是 qahal希臘文是 ecclesia是指聚集在一起的會眾。教會不僅是聚集在一起的會眾(the gathered church)也是分散在世界的會眾 (the scattered church)。在《使徒行傳》第八章,當司提反殉道之後,上帝的子民,基督的信徒:注意,是信徒,不是使徒們,離開耶路撒冷,分散在不同地方。他們可能是做生意的;到什麼地方,就傳起耶穌基督的福音來。那麼你可以想像,他們在乘船或騎駱駝時,有沒有主日崇拜?到了有猶太人會堂的地方,他們大可能去會堂守安息日,並盡他們所能,見證為他們復活的救主。因耶穌基督的復活,他們會在主日歡喜快樂,感恩,敬拜。當然例外的情況,孤獨的基督徒,找不到其他基督徒一起守主日的。或者兩三個人一起交通,敬拜。
The church is the people of God, the body of Christ.  The Hebrew word for church is qalal, the Greek word is ecclesia.  It refers to a congregation which has been assembled.  The church is “the gathered church,” yes; the church is also “the scattered church” as believers disperse into the world.  In Acts chapter 8, after Stephen was martyred, believers – note, believers, not apostles – scattered from Jerusalem to different places.  Many of them may be businesspeople; wherever they went, they witnessed to the risen Savior Jesus.  You can imagine: as they set sail on boats, as they rode on camelback, did they have Sunday worship services?  When they went to towns with synagogues, they might have gone there to observe the Sabbath, and did their best to witness about Christ.  Because Christ had risen from the dead, they would rejoice, give thanks, offer praise.  Of course there were exceptional cases where a Christian is alone by him/herself, who could not find other believers to worship together with.  Or two or three would gather to have fellowship and worship the Lord.

What about the situation now?  There are churches on earth with shepherds, teachers, elders and deacons.  These servant-leaders need to scatter believers so that they can worship at home, on a small scale.  House churches didn’t only exist in China; in the past few decades, the house church movement has emerged in Europe and America.  (One time I picked up a book which reported on the house church movement among Europeans.)  At this moment, online worship is a viable means to provide for the believers’ need to observe the Sabbath and worship God.

Christians thus scattered will take precautionary measures, and engage in works of mercy.

 [5] 生活簡樸化。這一切都意味著:我們面臨的挑戰,是更徹底過信心的生活。我們重洗派的弟兄姐妹(Anabaptists) 比較喜歡提倡這概念。他們往往過著簡樸的生活(simple lifestyle),關心周圍的鄰居,照顧自己的孩子。(注:那些避世的,不用電力的 Amish,不是重洗派的全部。人數比較多的,在社會上生活的重洗派,主要是幾個門諾會 Mennonite的宗派。)
 [5] Live a simple lifestyle.  All of the above implies that we need to practice a more through-going faith in Christ.  Our dear Anabaptist brothers and sisters tend to put a lot of emphasis on this.  Often they live very simply, teach their children, love their neighbors.  (Note: Those Anabaptists who are totally separated from the world, who do not use electric power, are not the total of the Anabaptist movement.  The larger portion do live in society, represented by several Mennonite denominations.)

I remember a couple; they used to belong to the church I started 35 years ago.  About 10 years ago I paid them a visit.  They no longer attend a Reformed church; they have become part of a Mennonite community.    This brother has always been very tender and gentle.  I asked him: What are the challenges the Lord gives you at this stage in life? How can you take part in changing the world?  His answer: I am trying to change my block (the street on which I live).

We can go to extremes, only care about our family and neighbors.  (Actually, caring for our family and our neighbors is indeed the place to start to live as salt and light of the world!)  Or we can utter empty slogans about being salt and light of the whole world.  In any case, action is needed.

On the other hand, what are some of the things we don’t need?

目前我在東南亞,看的是英美的電視新聞。令我驚訝(其實不應令我驚訝)的是,西方社會領袖們所關心的是財經 (finance,換言之,股票),工商業(economics/business),和消費 (consumption),過於關心就業 (employment) 和公共健康 (public health)
I am living in Southeast Asia at this moment; I watch UK and US news on TV.   What has been so amazing (it shouldn’t come as a surprise to me) is: leaders in western societies seemed (initially, at least) to care more about the financial crisis (stocks) and the economic crisis (businesses), more than they do about the job crisis (unemployment) and the public health crisis (not to mention the spiritual crisis!).

當世界監考組織(聯合國)宣佈全球大流行 (pandemic) 之後,一些非政府的行業 (private sector) 馬上採取行動。我們看到球賽取消;餐館空了,百老匯的戲劇院關門了。百老匯的燈光暗淡了,沒有戲劇,沒有歌劇。三天之內(指三月12日之後)我們看到,當看到病毒快要席捲美國時,那些不必要的東西馬上取消。
After the WHO declared the global pandemic, parts of the US private sector immediately took action.  Sports events were canceled; restaurants and Broadway theaters shut their doors.  Within three days (after March 12), we find that all unnecessary activities were canceled.

幾年前我在 Youtube 看過一個片子100分鐘),現在找不到了名字是 End of the Empire。接收訪問的包括一些 World Bank, IMF 等的前任高級職員,華爾街的股票專家等。我從中學到的一件事是:當一個社會迷醉於看體育賽事 (spectator sports),娛樂和美食時,這象徵著這個帝國快要滅亡了。我補充一句:當球賽,美食,流行音樂,電影等佔一個經濟的這麼大的成分,是否一個帝國快要崩潰的預兆?這是一些具有豐富經驗的財經專家的分析。
A few years ago, I watched a documentary on Youtube (100 minutes), which I cannot find any more, called “End of an Empire.”  Those who were interviewed included IMF, World Bank and other world economists, and Wall Street brokers.  One thing I took away from this video is: When a nation is immersed in spectator sports, entertainment and gourmet foods, these are signs that this empire is dying.  Let me add to that: when spectator sports, gourmet dining, music and movies occupy such a large component of an economy, is this a sign that this empire is likewise crumbling?  This is the perspective of world economic analysts.

[6] 什麼是必需要有的?當然,有些事是每一個社會都必需有的:除了基本建設以外,學校,醫療,建築,警衛等。
[6] What are the things which we really need?  Of course, there are things which every society must have: basic infrastructure, obviously; plus education, medical care, construction, security, etc.

How much have we, as a society and nation, or as a church, invested in what is necessary?  Especially investment in educating ourselves?  What are the things which need to be increased?  Prayer, bible study, learning doctrines?  Caring for others?  Training up church leaders and missionaries for the next generation?

Especially investment in educating ourselves?  What are the things which need to be increased?  Prayer, bible study, learning doctrines?  Caring for others?  Training up church leaders and missionaries for the next generation?

[8] 徹底門徒生活。1970年代美國基督徒中間流行一個名詞Radical Discipleship,  徹底的門徒生活。我們基督新教(Protestants)很慚愧,當在某些時刻需要講出社會倫理時,都是天主教領先(然後是基督教內的自由派)。目前,教宗 Pope Francis 已經呼籲他們的神職人員(神父,修士,修女等),不要停止照顧病人。四十年前,當艾滋病發作時,一些天主教的神父,修女,自願作白老鼠,作試驗品來測試這些新的治療方法。
 [7] Radical discipleship.  In the 1970s there was a popular slogan among American evangelicals, “radical discipleship.”  We should be ashamed of ourselves, because at any crisis moment which calls for messages of social ethic, the Roman Catholic church has been so often ahead of ourselves (followed by liberal Protestants).   During this pandemic crisis, Pope Francis has already called upon the “religious” (priests, monks, nuns) not to stop caring for the sick.   Forty years ago, many priests and nuns volunteered themselves, risking their lives, to be “guinea pigs,” volunteers to receive AIDS treatment testing.

Radical discipleship.

We should not sacrifice ourselves foolishly.  We should take precautionary measures.  After all, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit; we should be good stewards.  But at the same time Paul tells us, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.


There is nothing under the sun.   Human sin may be expressed in ever so many new ways.  Injustices may become more sophisticated, and more quickly communicated through media.  But there is nothing new about human beings’ need.  Human suffering hasn’t decreased.  God is still on the throne; that doesn’t change.  We should glorify God and serve others; that doesn’t change.  The Lord’s return is near.  This is nothing new.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, the hope of mankind.  Through the local church. 

 主耶穌基督是世上的光,人類的盼望。透過地方上的教會,上帝救贖恩典要傳出去。透過上帝話語的傳講,透過信徒慈惠的事奉。病毒提醒我們這些蒙恩的人,要再次回到上帝面前,求潔淨,求差遣。榮神益人有工作等著我們去作藉我賜恩福 (Make me a blessing)
Through the church, the gospel of redemptive grace must go forth, through the proclamation of God’s Word and through ministries of mercy.  The pandemic is a reminder for Christians to return to God, ask for forgiveness, and ask to be sent into the world.  The glory of God and compassion for others: there’s work for us to do.  Make me a blessing!

March 30, 2020