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洛杉矶华宗恩约教会主讲道|恩约系列| 2020.09.13|

 (创世记 8:13-22 和合本)
神赐福给挪亚和他的儿子,对他们说:“你们要生养众多,遍满了地。凡地上的走兽和空中的飞鸟都必惊恐,惧怕你们,连地上一切的昆虫并海里一切的鱼都交付你们的手。凡活着的动物都可以作你们的食物。这一切我都赐给你们,如同菜蔬一样。惟独肉带着血,那就是它的生命,你们不可吃。流你们血、害你们命的,无论是兽是人,我必讨他的罪,就是向各人的弟兄也是如此。凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流,因为 神造人是照自己的形像造的。你们要生养众多,在地上昌盛繁茂。” 神晓谕挪亚和他的儿子说:“我与你们和你们的后裔立约,并与你们这里的一切活物-就是飞鸟、牲畜、走兽,凡从方舟里出来的活物-立约。我与你们立约,凡有血肉的,不再被洪水灭绝,也不再有洪水毁坏地了。” 神说:“我与你们并你们这里的各样活物所立的永约是有记号的。我把虹放在云彩中,这就可作我与地立约的记号了。我使云彩盖地的时候,必有虹现在云彩中,我便记念我与你们和各样有血肉的活物所立的约,水就再不泛滥、毁坏一切有血肉的物了。虹必现在云彩中,我看见,就要记念我与地上各样有血肉的活物所立的永约。” 神对挪亚说:“这就是我与地上一切有血肉之物立约的记号了。”
 (创世记 9:1-17 和合本)
1.     普遍咒诅与普遍恩典(创3:16-19
a.     v.16生产的痛苦(咒诅)——但人类继续的繁衍(祝福)
b.     v.16 婚姻中的辖制(咒诅)——但婚姻依旧存在(祝福)
c.     v.17-19a 工作的辛苦(咒诅) ——但地依旧提供食物:上帝借着工作带来供应(祝福)
d.     v.19b 肉身的死亡,归回尘土(咒诅)——但至少有短暂的生命(祝福)
2.     女人后裔的两条分支(创4-5:原本夏娃以为该隐(头生的)将会是女人的后裔,但事实却是该隐是蛇的后裔,真正的女人的后裔,亚伯,却被他杀死了。从此,我们看到人类历史就上演了两支后裔的争战。
a.     该隐分支:文化成就(创4:17-22)。“雅八就是住帐篷、牧养牲畜之人的祖师雅八的兄弟名叫犹八,他是一切弹琴吹箫之人的祖师。洗拉又生了土八该隐,他是打造各样铜铁利器的。” 他们的文化成就是被赞许的,但圣经同时谴责他们越发邪恶(拉麦创4:24)。
b.     赛特分支(取代亚伯,成为女人后裔的代表):他们求告耶和华的名(4:25-26)。圣经说:他们并不是文化、军事、政治的主导者,但他们在圣经中被纪念是因为他们对耶和华的信仰。
c.     延伸:即使是该隐的后代(非信徒的)文化成就值得我们赞许并学习。工商业、科技、艺术、医学等发展,在许多领域上,非信徒比信徒更出色。上帝的普遍恩惠赐给他们。加尔文说:“圣灵为了人类共同的益处,随己意分配的最好的恩惠。” 这里不仅仅是信徒,而是所有人类。
d.     让我们谦卑:我是基督徒,但并不意味着我比爱因斯坦更懂物理学。
e.     让我们能够与非信徒产生交集:如果我是基督徒,但是我想学弹琴或者打造铁器,那么我可以去找该隐的后裔(非信徒)学习。
f.      我们不需要把文化所有层面都“基督化”。
g.     但我们必须意识到,这些文化成就无法产生救赎果效,无法打造天国。
 1.     审判与拯救(双重判决dual verdict
a.     这是对恶人的审判。《创世记》6:13,神就对挪亚说:“凡有血气的人,他的尽头已经来到我面前,因为地上满了他们的强暴。我要把他们和地一并毁灭。” 进入历史的末世、预表性的末日审判。基督曾把他再来比作挪亚的日子(太24:37-39)。
b.     这是对义人的拯救。《彼得前书》3:20:“借着水得救的不多,只有八个人(参来11:7)。” 《创世记》6:18:“我却要与你立约,你同你的妻,与儿子、儿妇,都要进入方舟。” 这是对挪亚一家的拯救之约。不能与《创世记》九章的普遍恩典之约相混淆。挪亚是预表性的弥赛亚。挪亚是个义人,正是因着他的义,拯救了一家人,正如基督因着他的义,拯救了他的家人。我们今天被称为耶稣的家人,耶稣的弟兄姐妹,耶稣是我们的长兄、中保。
2.     审判带来新创造/神治时期
a.     所谓神治,就是上帝审判取代了他的普遍恩典的护理
b.     洪水之前,有普遍恩典;洪水来,普遍恩典停止了,上帝的审判/神治;洪水之后,有普遍恩典
c.     最终上帝完全的审判/神治是在新天新地,普遍恩典将被挪去。
 1.     普遍恩典在洪水之前的世界已经暗示存在。创3:16-19的咒诅里暗示了尽管人堕落了,但世界将继续存在,当时的审判不是末日的审判。
2.     在洪水之后的世界里,普遍恩典由上帝立的约加以保证(创9
1.     在上帝自己的心里(创8:21ff
2.     在上帝的话语里(创9:1-17
 1.     恩典性的、单边的约:约的有效性不基于人的表现。
2.     非救赎性、普遍性、世俗性:并不是拯救性的、赦罪性的,人从小时心里怀着恶念(创8:21
3.     普世性、无分别性:对整个受造界适用,不分信徒或非信徒(马太福音5:45:叫日头照好人也照歹人,降雨给义人也给不义的人。不需要人的顺服或义作为条件。)
 1.     维系创造秩序(自然界、宇宙):《创世记》8:22:地还存留的时候,稼穑、寒暑、冬夏、昼夜就永不停息了。
2.     扼制邪恶(人类-负面):《创世记》9:5-6:“流你们血,害你们命的,无论是兽是人,我必讨他的罪,就是向各人的弟兄也是如此。凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流,因为神造人是照自己的形象造的。” 这里的神的形象有两方面的含义:1)人的生命是宝贵的;2)人有审判的权柄。参考《罗马书》13:1-4:掌权者是上帝的仆人。
3.     促进文明的繁荣(人类-正面):《创世记》9:1-3:“你们要生养众多,遍满了地。凡地上的走兽和空中的飞鸟,都必惊恐,惧怕你们,连地上一切的昆虫并海里一切的鱼,都交付你们的手。”
4.     为救赎计划提供舞台(针对选民的益处):这本身不是救赎性的,但是会帮助恩典之约的延续,直到上帝所有的选民都得救,得救的人数满的时候,普遍恩典会被挪去,上帝的审判会像洪水一样再次地降临,这次上帝不再用水来毁灭,而是用烈火,那将是大而可畏的日子来到。
一切既然都要如此销化,你们为人该当怎样圣洁,怎样敬虔,切切仰望 神的日子来到。在那日,天被火烧就销化了,有形质的都要被烈火熔化。但我们照他的应许,盼望新天新地,有义居在其中。(彼得后书 3:11-13)
第一要紧的,该知道在末世必有好讥诮的人随从自己的私欲出来讥诮说:“主要降临的应许在哪里呢?因为从列祖睡了以来,万物与起初创造的时候仍是一样。”他们故意忘记,从太古,凭 神的命有了天,并从水而出、藉水而成的地。故此,当时的世界被水淹没就消灭了。但现在的天地还是凭着那命存留,直留到不敬虔之人受审判遭沉沦的日子,用火焚烧。(彼得后书 3:3-7)
 1. 希伯来语里,彩虹和弓箭是一个词。在古代的图画里,君王竖着拿弓箭表明他在争战,而如果横着拿弓箭表明胜利凯旋与和平。彩虹可能象征是上帝的弓箭挂在天空中,代表着和平。上帝不再威胁毁灭世界。
2. 另一种解释是古人认为天空是圆拱形的,洪水审判是上帝打开天窗降雨,而彩虹则表明穹苍关闭,彩虹表明水不会无止尽的倾倒。
巴文克:“我们必须谨慎的区分广义上的恩典之约和狭义上的恩典之约… 这与挪亚立的约,虽然基于上帝的恩典,而且与真正的恩典之约关系紧密,因为它维系恩典之约,但并不等同于恩典之约。”(RD 3.216-18)挪亚之约不等于真正救赎的恩典之约。
1.     内在和外在的扼制。加尔文说:“尽管我们的本性已经败坏,却仍然存留神的一些恩典,这种恩典没有洁净本性,而是讲本性置于内在的约束之下。人类还有对真理、道德、宗教的意识。人类仍然保留某种对真理、善良、美德的意识,并且会欣赏这些事物。”
2.     对外在的义的履行。虽然不是属灵的善,但是自然的、对人类文明有帮助的义(civic righteousness)。人仍需要接受耶稣基督完美的义才能得救。
《创世记》9:6:“凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流,因为神造人是照自己的形象造的。”《罗马书》13:4:“执政者是神的仆人,是与你们有益的。” 伯克富:“政府是一般恩典的果实,也是一般恩典的途径。政府是神所设立的,用以维持良好的社会秩序。”


挪亞之約The Noahic Covenant

譯者/校對者:Maria Marta/誠之  



亞當和夏娃有義務遵守行爲之約,  如此便爲自己和自己的後裔賺得永恒的生命(創二15-17)。然而在伊甸園裏,我們先祖第一對父母不但沒有通過測驗,而且在考驗中失敗了,因爲他們相信蛇所說的謊言:吃了分別善惡樹上的果子後,他們會像上帝一樣能知道善惡(創世記第三章)。此時,上帝完全有權摧毀亞當和夏娃,從頭開始整個創造計劃。但是祂沒有這樣做。我們的造物主不但沒有取消行爲之約,反而恩慈地設立另一個盟約,作爲與離開自己的罪的百姓(包括男女)打交道的框架。這盟約稱爲恩典之約,這恩約是上帝爲拯救亞當的墮落兒女而賜予的盟約恩典,透過彌賽亞來成全:祂代表我們遵守行爲之約,並且徹底擊敗蛇(創二15;羅五16-17)。歷史是實現恩典之約的故事。




活在上帝的面光中(Coram Deo
上帝與挪亞所立的約爲祂的特殊恩典(拯救我們)的施行提供了一個舞台,但這盟約也是祂賜給所有人的普通恩典的果實。任何人都從自然規律the regularity of nature中得到好處因爲它促使人類社會繁榮昌盛。我們不配得到這些好處,在傳福音給其他人的時侯, 我們應該讓他們注意已經顯明的普遍恩典,不但要叫他們不要把上帝的恩典視為理所當然,而且要叫他們相信福音,悔改回轉,以致得救。

延伸閱讀:賽五十四9-10;羅八18-21 ;彼後二4-10 a;啓二十一1

The Noahic Covenant

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (8:22).

- Genesis 8:20-9:17
Adam and Eve were bound to keep the covenant of works and thus merit eternal life for themselves and all their descendants (Gen. 2:15-17). However, our first parents did not pass their test in Eden but failed their probation when they believed the serpent’s lie that they could make themselves like God by eating of the forbidden tree (Gen. 3). At this point, the Lord would have been entirely within His rights to destroy Adam and Eve and start the whole project of creation over from scratch. Yet He did not do that. Without setting aside the covenant of works, our Creator mercifully made another covenant that would serve as a framework for His dealings with men and women who turn from their sin. This is the covenant of grace, which provides for the redemption of Adam’s fallen children through the Messiah who keeps the covenant of works on our behalf and crushes the serpent (v. 15; Rom. 5:16-17). History is the story of the outworking of the covenant of grace.

God’s covenant of grace was not revealed all at once in the garden of Eden, but rather unfolded in a series of covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus. Today we are looking at the first sub-covenant to fall under the umbrella of the covenant of grace: the Noahic covenant. The Lord established this covenant in the context of a creation that had become increasingly rebellious and corrupt after the fall (Gen. 4:1-6:7). Humanity’s wickedness was so great that God destroyed nearly every living thing in existence at the time.

After Adam and Eve’s exile from Eden, Genesis 4:1-6:7 describes a creation that becomes increasingly corrupt as sin multiplies on the earth. Wickedness of all sorts was prevalent, prompting God to destroy creation with a flood. The only creatures to survive the flood were Noah’s family and representatives of every animal that inhabited the earth (6:8-8:19). By this we see that the Lord saved a remnant, not all that He had made, and we should keep that in mind when we reflect upon the scope of God’s saving work. He will not save everyone. Universalism is a false doctrine.

In the covenant with Noah, the Lord promised never again to destroy all life with a flood (8:20-9:17). He also pledges to sustain the seasonal cycle, and thus the general stability of nature. In this predictable order, people will flourish, and an arena will exist for Him to enter history via the incarnation of Christ and save His people (John 1:14).

Coram Deo
God’s covenant with Noah provides an arena for His special grace to operate for the sake of our salvation, but this covenant is also the fruit of His common grace for all people. Everyone benefits from the regularity of nature, for it allows human society to flourish. We do not deserve this, and in preaching the gospel to others we should call their attention to the grace God has shown even while calling them not to presume upon His grace, but to repent that they would be saved.

Passages for Further Study
Isaiah 54:9-10
Romans 8:18-21
2 Peter 2:4-10a
Revelation 21:1


作者:Nicholas T. Batzig   翻译: 骆鸿铭

 The Noahic Covenant was the first covenantal administration after God’s initial covenant promise to redeem and restore humanity (Gen. 3:15). It is also the first time that the word ? (Berith) is used in the canon. What has not been frequently observed, however, is the way in which the Noahic Covenant falls squarely in the realm of redemptive history. Consider the following ways in which Noah and the Noahic Covenant plays a part in redemptive-history:上帝在创世记315做出了最早的圣约应许:祂要救赎人类,恢复(restore)他们。挪亚之约是在这个圣约的应许之后,上帝所作的第一个圣约的安排(covenantal adminstration)。在挪亚之约中,圣经第一次使用了“约”(berith)这个字。不过,不常有人注意到的是挪亚之约如何适当地嵌合到救赎历史当中。让我们用下面的方式来思考挪亚和挪亚之约在救赎历史中所扮演的角色:

1) The Redemptive Role of Noah as a Type of Christ: Noah was a type of Christ. He was a typical second Adam, a typical redeemer, and a typical rest giver. Noah was given very similar instructions as Adam with regard to being fruitful and multiplying, filling the earth and subduing it. He was not the second Adam, but was a type of the second Adam. Jesus is the second and last (eschatological) Adam who redeems His people and fulfills the creation mandates. Noah was a typical redeemer. 1) 挪亚救赎角色是基督的预表(type):挪亚是基督的预表。他是第二个亚当的预表(a typical second Adam),救赎者的预表(a typical redeemer),赐下安息者的预表(a typical rest giver)。神给挪亚的吩咐和亚当非常类似,要生养众多,遍满地面,并治理大地(参:创12891)。挪亚不是第二个亚当,而是那第二个亚当的预表。耶稣是第二个亚当和末后(末世性)的亚当;祂救赎祂的百姓,并且完成了神在伊甸园中给亚当的创造使命。挪亚是救赎者的预表。

Everyone with Noah on the Ark was saved. Everyone in Christ is saved. Noah was not “the Redeemer.” He was a typical redeemer, providing typical redemption for all those who descended from him. Jesus came to redeem all those He represented spiritually. Noah was a typical rest-giver. Noah’s name meant ‘Rest.’ His father had named him ‘Rest,’ saying, “This one will give us rest from the ground which the Lord had cursed.” Noah only gives typical rest, as the remainder of the Bible bears witness to the ongoing need for redemptive rest.
 所有在方舟上和挪亚同在的人都得了拯救。所有在基督里的人也得了拯救。挪亚不是“那位唯一的救赎者”(the Redeemer)。他是救赎者的一个预表,为所有从祂而出的人提供了一个救赎的预表。挪亚是赐下安息者的预表。他的名字意思是“安息”。他的父亲给他起名叫“安息”时说:“这个儿子必为我们的操作和手中的劳苦安慰我们(give us rest);这操作劳苦是因为耶和华咒诅地”。(创529)挪亚只能给我们预表性的安息,这提醒我们,圣经见证了我们所不断需要的救赎安息。

Jesus is the One who finally and fully gives rest to the people of God and to the creation that was brought under the curse at the fall. He is the One who said, “Come unto Me and I will give you rest for your souls.” He is the One who takes the curse on Himself when He wears the crown of thorns–the symbol of the curse on the ground.

2) The Redemptive Foreshadowing of the New Creation: The book of Revelation tells us that the “new heavens and the new earth” will be the new Temple where God dwells fully and permanently with the redeemed. Noah and all of creation were together in the Ark, as in a typical temple. This was foreshadowing the new creation-temple. Interestingly, the Ark and Solomon’s Temple had three levels. It seems that the biblical data substantiates that the Ark was a Temple where God dwelt with His creation.
2) 新造的救赎预示:启示录告诉我们,“新天新地”会是那新的圣殿,是神完全并永远与得赎之人居住之处。挪亚在方舟上和所有的生物同在,方舟有如预表性的圣殿。那是在预示新造的圣殿。有趣的是,方舟和所罗门的圣殿都有三层。圣经的资料似乎支持这样的看法,就是方舟是神与祂所造的万物同住的圣殿。

Noah also lead the way into a typical new creation when he and his family stepped off of the Ark and into a world that has been typically cleansed of pollution. Jesus brought about the new creation through His death and resurrection. Noah knew that the flood had not really made “all things new,” because he sacrificed when he stepped off of the Ark. The flood waters could never cleanse the evil out of the heart of man. God had destroyed the earth with a flood because “every intent of the thoughts of man’s heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5).

God promised never to destroy the earth with a flood again because “the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Gen. 8:21). The reason for the latter declaration was that the flood was never meant to deal with man’s real problem–the sinful pollution of his heart. Noah’s sons would populate the earth with depraved sinners. Only the blood of Jesus could cleanse the hearts of sinners. The cleansed world onto which Noah and his family stepped when the waters receded was a type of the “new heavens and the new earth in which righteousness dwells. 上帝应许不再用洪水毁坏这地,因为“人从小时心里怀着恶念”(创821)。之所以作出这样的宣告是因为洪水从来没有要处理人真正的问题——他内心的罪污。挪亚的儿子们会生出败坏的罪人来,遍满地面。只有耶稣的血能清除罪人的心。洪水消退后,挪亚和他的家庭步出方舟所进入的、已经被除净的世界,只是“新天新地,有义居在其中”(彼后313)的预表。

3) The Redemptive Purpose of Animals: Noah was commanded to take seven clean and two unclean of every animal into the Ark. The clean/unclean distinction was relavent in redemptive history for several reasons. First, it would be used in Israel’s sacrificial system. Because Jesus is likened to “a Lamb without blemish and without spot,” Israel would be commanded in the OT to offer spotless (clean) lambs to God. All of Israel’s sacrifices were to be clean. The cleanness was symbolic of the sinlessness of Jesus. When he stepped off of the Ark, the very first thing that Noah did was offer a sacrifice to God. The sacrificial system stretched back to Adam and Eve and was carried forward in redemptive history until Christ was sacrificed.
3) 动物的救赎目的:神吩咐挪亚带七对洁净的畜类,和一对不洁净的畜类进入方舟。这个洁净/不洁净的区分和救赎历史是相关的。这有几个理由。首先,这会用在以色列的献祭系统里。因为耶稣是那“无瑕疵、无玷污的羔羊”(彼前119),神在旧约中吩咐以色列人要把无污点(洁净)的羔羊献给神。以色列人的所有献祭都必须是洁净的,那是耶稣无罪的象征。当他步出方舟,挪亚所作的第一件事就是献祭给神。这个可以追溯到亚当和夏娃的献祭系统在救赎历史中被继续执行,直到基督被献为祭为止。

In addition to the preparation for the sacrificial system in Israel,the clean and unclean animals would, in time, become illustrative of the two groups of mankind–Jews and Gentiles. These two classifications represented spiritually clean and unclean groups of humanity in redemptive history until Christ came. The Scriptures expressly teach this in the account of Peters vision of the unclean animals brought down from heaven in the sheet for him to eat. (Acts 10:9-11:18). 除了在以色列中,为献祭系统作预备之外,洁净和不洁净的动物也用来描述人类的两个族群——犹太人和外邦人。这两种分类代表着基督来临之前,在救赎历史中,属灵洁净和不洁净的人类族群。在圣经所记载的彼得的异梦中,鲜明地教导了这点。神吩咐彼得要吃那从天降下的大布里所包含的不洁净的动物。(参见徒1091118

The final thing to note about the animals in the Ark is in regard to food. Before the flood it appears that man was only permitted to eat vegetation. After the flood, God told Noah that he and his descendants could eat meat (only without the blood). What was the reason for this shift? 最后一件有关方舟中动物的事,和食物有关。在洪水之前,神似乎只容许人吃植物。在洪水之后,上帝告诉挪亚,他和他的后裔可以吃肉(只是不可以带血)。这种转变的理由是什么呢?The eating of meat would not serve as a precursor to the eating of the sacramental and ceremonial redemptive meals, such as the Passover. There were no vegetarians in the Old Covenant church because God was foreshadowing the spiritual eating of the flesh and blood of His Son in the sacrifices. 享受盛宴不是要作为享用作为圣礼和仪式性的救赎性圣餐的前兆(precursor),例如逾越节的晚餐。旧约教会没有吃素的人,因为上帝已经在献祭当中预示要在属灵上吃喝祂儿子的肉和血。
If man had not been allowed to eat meat, then the eating of the sacrificial meals–symbolizing the spiritual eating of the flesh of the Son of God by faith–would have been an unintelligible concept. God was preparing His people for what would come as the history of redemption unfolded.如果神不允许人吃肉,那么享用献祭的盛宴——象征靠信心在属灵上吃喝神的儿子的肉——就是个让人无法理解的概念。上帝是在预备祂的百姓,迎接即将要在救赎历史中展开的事。

4) The Redemptive Nature of the Death Penalty: The death penalty is clearly established in the Noahic Covenant. Again, this falls in the realm of redemptive history. If murderers were not put to death (a punishment fitting the crime in accord with the justice of God) then mankind would have a very difficult time “being fruitful and multiplying.” Human extermination was restrained via the death penalty. This served the redemptive purposes of God.
4) 死刑的救赎本质。挪亚之约中很清楚地确立了死刑(创95-7)。再次,这和救赎历史是相符的。如果没有治死杀人者(此刑罚符合神的公义),那么,人类在“生养众多”的事情上就会遭遇到很大的困难。透过死刑,人类的灭绝才会受到限制。这会满足神的救赎旨意。

Interestingly, this would also safeguard the coming of the Redeemer. In His human nature, Jesus may rightly be said to be in the loins of Noah. Each generation of Israel hoped that God would fulfill the promise of the Seed-Redeemer (Gen. 3:15). Unless God had protected His people–through whom the Seed would come–from mass murder, His promise would have failed. This is the purpose of the book of Esther.

Had God allowed Hamen to exterminate the Israelites, the promise of the Redeemer would have failed. The same is true with regard to the animals that might shorten the population. God’s plan was the redeem a people “out of every tongue and tribe and nation and language through the Redeemer, Jesus Christ.如果上帝容许哈曼灭绝以色列人,救赎者的应许就会失败。有关那些会减少牲口数量的动物也是一样。上帝的计划是透过那救赎者,耶稣基督,从“各族、各方、各民、各国”中救赎一群百姓。
In addition, God would save His people by Himself undergoing the death penalty. Though He did nothing deserving of death, He stood in the place of His people who did. If there were no death penalty, we would not be saved. Jesus died the death of a murderer, adulterer and every other death deserving criminal so that we might be redeemed.此外,上帝也会透过祂自己承受死亡的刑罚来拯救祂的百姓。虽然祂没有作过任何配受死亡的事,祂却代替祂的百姓而死,是他们作了配受死刑的事。如果没有死亡的刑罚,我们就无法得救。耶稣为杀人者,奸淫者和所有配受死刑的罪犯而死,好让我们可以得救赎。

In short, God was preserving the world to be the stage in which redemption would occur. Had God not promised to preserve the fallen world, He would have been untrue to His promise to redeem a people (Gen. 3:15).

All of the features surrounding the covenant itself were aspects of redemptive history, which makes the Noahic Covenant more important than most have realized. Every time we see the rainbow we should remember God’s covenant faithfulness in sending the Redeemer to save a people for Himself.

Just as God had placed a rainbow in the sky to show His steadfast covenant fidelity, so there is a rainbow around the throne of Jesus Christ in glory (Rev. 4:3). We, like Noah, are beneficiaries of the mercy established in the Noahic Covenant in Jesus Christ.正如上帝在天空中放置了彩虹来显明祂圣约的信实,同样,也有彩虹围绕着耶稣基督荣耀的宝座(启43)。我们和挪亚一样,是在耶稣基督里,在挪亚之约中所确立的怜悯的受益者。