
39 聖靈的內在見證 The Internal Testimony of The Holy Spirit

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian FaithP104 ,更新傳道會出版http://www.crmnj.org/







1. 神的見證是完全可信的。
2. 聖經提供客觀的證據,證明它本身就是神的話。
3. 若缺少了聖靈的見證,我們便無法信服聖經中的真理。
4. 聖靈的內在見證沒有向我們的思想提供新的論點,而是在我們的靈𥚃和心中工作,使我們順服已有的證據。
5. 聖靈內在證據的教義,並不保證凡我們所感覺真實的事情都是真的。


1Martin Luther, Bondage of the Will (Old Tappan, NJ: Revell, 1957),70.
2 John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, trans. Henry Beveridge, 2 vols.,bk I (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975), 1:71-72.

The Internal Testimony of The Holy Spirit

In any courtroom drama that includes witnesses, the testimony that is given is crucial to the case. Testimony is important because it is designed to help us get at the truth of the matter. In some trials, the testimony of witnesses is challenged because their character is suspect. The testimony of a psychopathic liar has little value. For testimony to be credible, the witness must be credible.

When God testifies to the truth of something, His witness is sure. His testimony is altogether unimpeachable. Testimony that has God as its author cannot fail. It is, in fact, infallible testimony. It proceeds from the highest possible character, the deepest possible font of knowledge, and from the most supreme authority. The trustworthiness of God’s testimony is what once prompted Luther to declare, “The Holy Spirit is no skeptic.”1
The truths that the Spirit reveals are more certain than life itself.

John Calvin taught that even though the Scriptures manifest clear and reasonable signs of their divine authority and exhibit sufficient evidence of their divine origin, these evidences do not fully persuade us until or unless they are sealed to our hearts by the inward testimony of the Holy Spirit.2 Calvin recognized the difference between proof and persuasion. Even though we may be able to offer objective and compelling proofs of the truth of Scripture, that is no guarantee that people will believe, yield to, or embrace them. For us to be persuaded of their truth we need the help of the internal testimony of the Spirit. The Spirit causes us to acquiesce or yield to the compelling evidence of the truth of the Scriptures.

In His inner witness, the Holy Spirit offers no new secret information or clever argument otherwise unavailable to us. Rather, He operates upon our spirits to break down and overcome our resistance to God’s truth. He moves us to surrender to the clear teaching of God’s Word and embrace it with full assurance.

The internal testimony of the Spirit is not a flight into mysticism or an escape into subjectivism, where personal feelings are elevated to the status of absolute authority. There is a crucial difference between the testimony of the Holy Spirit to our spirits and the human testimony of our own spirits. The testimony of the Holy Spirit is to the Word of God. It comes to us with the Word and through the Word. It does not come apart from or
without the Word.

Just as the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirits that we are the children of God, confirming His word to us (Romans 8:16), so the Holy Spirit inwardly assures us that the Bible is the Word of God.
1. The testimony of God is completely trustworthy.
2. The Bible offers objective evidence that it is the Word of God.
3. We are not fully persuaded of the truth of Scripture without the
testimony of the Holy Spirit.

Biblical passages for reflection:

John 15:13Acts 5:32Acts 15:28 Romans 8:16 Galatians 5:16-18
