
穌為什麼是神的「道」Why Is Jesus the Word?

作者:Michael S. Heiser  譯者: 駱鴻銘

「太初有道,道與神同在,道就是神。」約翰福音一章1節是聖經中最為人所熟悉的經文之一。我們知道「道」(the Word)所指的就是耶穌(約一14),但約翰在哪裏得到「道」可以指上帝是一個位格的觀念呢?
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 is, by far, one of the most familiar verses in the Bible. We know “the Word” speaks of Jesus (John 1:14), but where did John get the idea that “the Word” could refer to God as a person?

答案部分涉及到約翰使用的聖經譯本。雖然約翰在提到「道」時使用了希臘語單詞 logosλόγος),但他本人正在引用舊約亞蘭文的翻譯。在耶穌時代亞蘭文是猶太人的母語。
Part of the answer concerns the translation John used. While John used the Greek word logos (λόγος) when referring to “the Word,” he himself was drawing on Aramaic translations of the Old Testament. In Jesus’ day, Aramaic was the native language of the Jewish people.

雖然舊約從希伯來文被翻譯成希臘文即更廣泛的外邦世界的語言但它也被翻譯成亞蘭文。這些亞蘭文翻譯被稱為「他爾根譯本」(Targums)。妥拉(Torah)的一個特定他爾根譯本,Targum Onkelos,被猶太教當局批准用於猶太會堂。
While the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew into Greek, the language of the wider Gentile world, it was also translated into Aramaic. These Aramaic translations are called Targums. One specific Targum of the Torah, Targum Onkelos, was sanctioned by Jewish religious authorities for use in the synagogue.

他爾根譯本在很多地方都將上帝這個概念稱為「道」)——以生動的有時令人吃驚的方式。約翰時代的許多猶太人都熟悉這個概念。亞蘭文中的「道」,即memra,經常被用來作指代上帝的另一種方式。考慮民數記十四章11節,請注意底下劃線([])和粗體(* *)的部分:
The Targums telegraph the idea of God as “Word” in many places—in vivid, sometimes startling ways. Many Jews of John’s day would have been familiar with the idea. The Aramaic term for “word,” memra, was often used as another way to refer to God. Consider Numbers 14:11, noting the underlined and bold portions:

And the Lord said to Moses, “How long will this people despise me? And how long will they not believe in me, in spite of all the signs that I have done among them?”

The Targum (Neofiti) renders part of this Old Testament verse as follows:

**在他們中間行了這一切[神蹟]他們奉*我話*my Word的名[還要不信]我到幾時呢
How long will they not believe in the name of my Word in spite of all the signs of my miracles which I have performed?”

在他爾根譯本的翻譯中耶和華用亞蘭文memra 稱自己為「我的話」。
In the Targum rendering, the Lord refers to Himself as “my Word,” using the Aramaic term memra.

在約翰福音一章14節中約翰稱耶穌為「道成了肉身」指的便是民數記十四章11節。他之所以這樣做,是因為他在猶太會堂裏多次聽到的翻譯告訴他,上帝就是「道」—— memra ——而他相信耶穌就是上帝。約翰後來甚至回應了民數記一章14節的他爾根譯本
John calls Jesus “the Word made flesh” in John 1:14, referring to Numbers 14:11. He does this because the translations he had heard so many times in the synagogue had taught him that God was the Word—the memra—and he believed Jesus was God. John even echoes the Targum rendering of Numbers 1:14 later on:

When Jesus had said these things, he departed and hid himself from them. Though he had done so many signs before them, they still did not believe in him (John 12:36–37).

Memra is used more than 600 times in the Aramaic Targums to describe God, often in passages where the language presumes God is present in physical, human form:

And they heard the sound of the memra of the Lord God walking in the garden … (Gen 3:8).

Because of the Targums, Jews in the days of Jesus and John would have understood the notion that God could come to them in human form. John believed that was exactly what he and the disciples had witnessed in Jesus, so it was natural for him to refer to Jesus as the Word. John wrote his Gospel in Greek, but his theology was Jewish, conveyed to him through Aramaic. Therefore, both Jews and non-Jewish people got the point in unmistakable terms: The Word of the Old Testament had been made flesh (John 1:14) and walked among us.