

主和救主Lord and Saviour
作者:博愛思(James Montgomery Boice),The King has Come -   The Real Message of Christmas , p.130-131
今天,在大衞的城裏,為你們誕生了一位救主,就是主基督。(新漢語譯本, 路加福音 2:11
「主」(Lord)這個稱號的第二個含義是,耶穌是救主。這和祂的君主身份(Lordship)有關,因為正如約翰.斯托得 John R.W. Stott 所寫的那樣:
在這一點上有兩個嚴重的錯誤。一是涉及信心的定義。 沒有委身的「信心」是聖經中真正的信心嗎?絕不是!聖經上的信心包括三個要素: (1) 知識,它是以知識為基礎的;(2) 內心的反應,它是重生的結果;(3) 委身,如果沒有委身,「信心」就和那些只「相信,還顫慄發抖」的鬼魔沒分別(雅各書 2:19;漢語新譯本)。沒有委身的信仰不是真正的信仰,它是一個「死」的信仰,救不了任何人。
 Lord and Saviour
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11 ESV
The second implication of the title Lord is that Jesus is the Saviour. This is linked to his lordship because, as John R. W.Stott writes,
The title 'Lord' is a symbol of Christ's victory over the forces of evil. If Jesus has been exalted over all the principalities and powers of evil, as indeed he has, this is the reason why he has been called Lord. If Jesus has been proclaimed Lord, as he has, it is because these powers are under his feet. He has conquered them on the cross, and therefore our salvation -that is to say, our rescue from sin,Satan, fear and death-is due to that victory.
In recent years it has become customary in some parts of the evangelical world to distinguish between the lordship and saviourhood of Christ in such a way that one is supposed to be able to have Jesus as Saviour without having him as Lord. It is argued that requiring Christ to be Lord in the matter of salvation means adding commitment to faith and that this is a false and accursed gospel (Gal. 1:6-9).
There are two serious mistakes at this point. One involves the meaning of faith. Is 'faith' minus commitment true biblical faith? Hardly! Biblical faith involves three elements: (1) knowledge, upon which it is based; (2) heart response, which results from the new birth; and (3) commitment, without which 'faith' is no different from the assent of the demons who only 'believe ... and shudder'James 2:19). Faith without commitment is not true faith.It is a'dead' faith which will save no one.
The second mistake is even more serious, because it involves the person and work of Jesus himself. Who is this one who has saved us from our sins? He is, as Paul. has it, ‘Jesus Christ our Lord'. No true Christian will add anything to the finished work of Jesus. To do so really is to proclaim a false gospel. We direct people to the Lord Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, he is the Lord Jesus Christ. This Lord is the object of faith and its content. There is ho other. Consequently, if faith is directed to one who is not Lord, it is directed to one who is a false Christ of the imagination. Such a one is not the Saviour, and he will save no one.
James Montgomery Boice, The King has Come - The Real Message of Christmas , p.130-131 ,