

Typology Versus Allegory

“Hagar…she corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother” (vv. 25–26)  - Galatians 4:25–27
我們應該拒絕對經文的寓意解釋(Allegorical interpretation),因為它最終剝奪了經文的所有意義。由於寓意義的意思可以與上下文所允許的大相徑庭,所以完全無法評估各種不同的詮釋可能。一段經文可以有任何含義,而如果它包含了所有的含義,那它就什麼都不是,而且只要人認為合適,可以隨意地加以誤用。
Allegorical interpretation of Scripture is to be rejected because it ultimately strips the text of all meaning. Since allegories can mean something wholly different than what the context allows, there is no way to evaluate different interpretive possibilities. The passage can mean anything, and if it can mean anything, it means nothing and can be misused however one sees fit.
保羅在《加拉太書》四章21-31節中用同一個希臘詞來描述他的釋經工作,我們從這個詞中得到了英文術語「寓言」(allegory 24節),但他並不接受怪誕的寓意解經。相反,他使用的是預表論的釋經法,約翰·加爾文寫道,這種方法與原文的「真實和字面意思」是一致的。預表法是基於神在整個救贖歷史中以反復出現的模式來工作的事實,並說明過去的事件或人物可以預設或作為未來人物或事件的一個「預表」(type;可譯為典型,或模式)。在「對範」(antitype;按:即預表所對應的本體)中,未來的人物或事件更充分地表達了之前出現的真理。例如,考慮一下出埃及與耶穌工作的關係。上帝把祂的百姓從埃及的奴役中拯救出來,預表性地說明了祂在基督裏完成了更大的救贖,從罪和死亡的奴役中拯救出來。後一項工作與第一項工作的意義是完全一致的——在這兩個例子中,全能的神自己拯救了一個無助的民族。但祂的工作也有了更全面的意義,因為雖然人的身體可以回到奴役的狀態,但聖子所釋放的人確實是自由的,永遠不會再被邪惡所奴役(約八36)。
Paul describes his interpretive work in Galatians 4:21–31 with the same Greek word from which we get the English term allegory (v. 24), but he does not embrace fanciful allegories. Instead, he uses typological interpretation, which, John Calvin writes, is consistent with “the true and literal meaning” of the original text. Typology is based on the fact that God works in recurring patterns throughout history and says that a past event or person can prefigure or serve as a type of a future person or event. In the antitype, a future person or event more fully expresses the truth of what came before. For example, consider the relation of the exodus to the work of Jesus. God’s rescue of His people from Egyptian bondage typifies the greater salvation from slavery to sin and death He accomplished in Christ. The latter work is consistent with the meaning of the first — in both instances the Almighty Himself rescues a helpless people. But His work also has a fuller meaning, for while people can return to physical slavery, he whom the Son sets free is free indeed, never to be enslaved to evil again (John 8:36).
Typological interpretation can be problematic because too many people call what they are doing typology when they are really employing allegory. Thus, it is generally wise to stick to the typologies explicitly revealed in Scripture.
How do we know that Paul’s reading of the Genesis account is a typology, not an allegory? Remember that Galatians addresses those who attempt to gain the promise of salvation through their own efforts, efforts that enslave people to sin (Gal. 3:10–14). This is precisely what Abraham and the slave-woman Hagar did when they came together to “help God along” and tried to produce the promised heir (Gen. 16:1–6). Paul’s use of Hagar to represent those who try to justify themselves by their deeds is fully harmonious with the Genesis account.
Coram Deo 在神的面光中
John Calvin comments, “The true meaning of Scripture is the natural and obvious meaning; and let us embrace and abide by it resolutely. Let us not only neglect as doubtful, but boldly set aside as deadly corruptions, those pretended expositions, which lead us astray from the natural meaning.” Are you committed to the study of Scripture in its original context? What tools do you use or need to acquire to help you understand the plain truths of the Bible?
Passages for Further Study
Nehemiah 8:1–8
Psalm 19:7–11
Acts 8:26–40
2 Peter 3:14–18